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Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

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  • nwpsys

    • Dec 2018
    • 19

    Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

    I have an "Album by Release" container underneath an "Album Artist" container and it correctly shows be all the albums for that artist with the release year prefixed to the album name - all good so far.

    However all the control point applications I use ( Asset Control, Naim app, Hi-Fi Cast on Android ) the albums are shown in reverse-chronological order with the newest first and the container is presented in such a way as to make the albums unsortable so I can't get them in chronological order.

    I have been through all the settings and can't find a way to change this presentation.

    Is this possible and I have just missed it somewhere ?

    Alternatively is there another way I can set up containers where I can click on an artist and then get presented with all the albums in release year chronological order ?


  • vilsen
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jul 2018
    • 194

    Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

    Originally posted by nwpsys
    Alternatively is there another way I can set up containers where I can click on an artist and then get presented with all the albums in release year chronological order ?
    Yes, by using an album sort tag, e.g.

    ALBUM SORT=1969 - Abbey Road

    or even

    ALBUM SORT=1969-09-26 - Abbey Road

    * Also set "Artist sort handling" to "Use sort order to display". I think that "Display in sort and non-sort locations" will work too but I haven't tried.

    * You must use ALBUM SORT, not ALBUMSORT

    With these settings the albums will be displayed chronologically (but without the year prefix, if it's important to you).


    • vilsen
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Jul 2018
      • 194

      Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

      Well, I just discovered that if you set the a-z listing on the album container (in the configuration), it is ruined if you also use album sort to achieve a chronological listing. Since album sort then begins with a number, all albums will only be found under "0-9".

      Not sure if this could be considered a bug or if it's just normal sorting behaviour...

      No issue though if you don't use the a-z setting (as far as I can see at least).

      EDIT: I don't think this is a bug. Nevertheless, it would be nice to find a work-around - but it's probably not so easy.
      Last edited by vilsen; December 25, 2018, 09:17 PM.


      • nwpsys

        • Dec 2018
        • 19

        Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

        Thanks for your replies, vilsen

        Not had a lot of luck, possibly around the fact that both my tagging tools ( Tag & Rename and MP3TAG ) don't allow me to edit a tag called "ALBUM SORT" only "ALBUMSORT".

        I have tried adding the year into the ALBUMSORT field anyway and adjusted the artist sort handling to try all options, but nothing happens to change the order of the album list.

        I'm also not sure why the artist sort handling field would have any impact here as it is album sort handling I am trying to manipulate.

        Oh yes, I don't use A-Z so I'm not impacted by that issue.


        • nwpsys

          • Dec 2018
          • 19

          Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

          I think I need to read this first !


          • vilsen
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Jul 2018
            • 194

            Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

            Originally posted by nwpsys
            both my tagging tools ( Tag & Rename and MP3TAG ) don't allow me to edit a tag called "ALBUM SORT" only "ALBUMSORT".

            I think you can setup mp3tag to write ALBUM SORT, try to ask at their forum. It should work for FLAC at least (mp3 is less straightforward, so I'm not sure).

            I cannot make this work with ALBUMSORT, so I think that ALBUM SORT is required in Asset.

            Even if the artist sort handling seems irrelevant, you'll see that this setting is required once you try with ALBUM SORT instead.

            Also it's best to say that I have tested only in Windows (with FLAC) - sometimes other Asset versions work slightly different.


            • vilsen
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Jul 2018
              • 194

              Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

              Something weird going on with the forum - post *5 @ 02:52 wasn't there when I wrote post *6 @ 05:12


              • nwpsys

                • Dec 2018
                • 19

                Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

                Thanks again for your help, vilsen.

                Even though I think I have ALBUM SORT correctly set now via tag mapping in MP3TAG, I am still not able to get Asset to take any notice of it.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	4.7 KB
ID:	294004

                I think I'm going to manage with the "Album By Release" container in the "wrong" order although it would be good to find out if that can be made sortable by the UPNP control programs.


                • nwpsys

                  • Dec 2018
                  • 19

                  Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

                  What a tit ! I had the mapping for ALBUMSORT to ALBUM SORT the wrong way round in MP3TAG.

                  Now I have I sorted that I am getting the album order displayed how I wish

                  Thanks again !


                  • vilsen
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • Jul 2018
                    • 194

                    Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

                    Glad you got it working!

                    Spoon, for the next release of Asset, may I suggest that "Artist sort handling" be changed to e.g. "Sorting tags handling" for the sake of clarity.

                    Btw, are there any plans for a new release for Windows during next year?


                    • Luften

                      • Jan 2020
                      • 5

                      Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

                      Originally posted by vilsen
                      Yes, by using an album sort tag, e.g.

                      ALBUM SORT=1969 - Abbey Road

                      Thank you for this, I just tested it with the albums under one artist and it worked for me. However, one album didn't sort! It's weirdly sitting at the bottom of the list instead of being around the middle based on the date tag. The dates only have the year written into them, and the Album Sort tags across all of the albums were all written using the same script in foobar so they're consistent. I checked after as well and it's written correctly. Any ideas why one album might be misbehaving?


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

                        Try PerfectTUNES >> ID Tags >> recommendations

                        it can detect non-consitent sort values.


                        • Luften

                          • Jan 2020
                          • 5

                          Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

                          Originally posted by Spoon
                          Try PerfectTUNES >> ID Tags >> recommendations

                          it can detect non-consitent sort values.
                          Hi Spoon. I tried it but it didn't detect any inconsistencies, and so there were no changes to make unfortunately. Any other ideas?


                          • Luften

                            • Jan 2020
                            • 5

                            Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

                            I just tested a few other things:

                            - I converted the album in foobar to new .flac files, and chose not to carry over the metadata/tags to give it a fresh start. Repopulated them from freedb and added the album sort tag, but it still didn't sit in order. Now there are two copies at the bottom of the list.
                            - In foobar, removed tags. Manually populated the Album, Artist, Album Artist, Genre, Date and Album Sort tags. Still didn't work.
                            - Tried changing the date to another year and tried copying the Album Sort entry from another album onto this one, but it still didn't move. It's staying at the bottom of the list.


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44844

                              Re: Sort order of the "Album by Release" container

                              What is the album name? what happens if you do not put any album sort value? Also when you rescan you have to do a 'refresh all' to clear any old sort value from the database.

