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Asset for Pi and Denon Heos App

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  • RGY

    • Sep 2018
    • 6

    Asset for Pi and Denon Heos App


    I want to use the Heos App (Denon) and Asset UPnP for browsing my Music library and listening to tracks on a Marantz ND 8006. If I go to for example to the album tree it looks different
    for the Windows and Pi versions of Asset. The Pi Version shows a lot of "Unknown" Entries all over in the Navigation tree but the Windows version looks better in this regard. Since I wanted to instal Asset UPnP on a Nas, is there any configuration option to suppress these "Unknown" Entries in the Pi Version or can you please change the Pi version like the Windows version?

    Here are some Log entries to show the difference in DIDL-Lite.

    <container id="co9659B35714A987DB" parentID="coC3D9140FB30099A6" restricted="0" searchable="1"><dc:title>[AB..]</dc:title><dc:creator>Unknown</dc:creator><upnp:artist></upnp:artist><upnp:genre>Unknown</upnp:genre><upnp:class>object.container.album</upnp:class></container>

    <container id="coBB0EAAAAEA4C68BA" parentID="coE88E0B6388A37A85" restricted="0" searchable="1"><dc:title>[AB..]</dc:title><dc:creator> </dc:creator><upnp:artist></upnp:artist><upnp:genre>Unknown</upnp:genre><upnp:class>object.container.album</upnp:class></container>

  • RGY

    • Sep 2018
    • 6

    Re: Asset for Pi and Denon Heos App


    it looks like the Denon Heos App and Asset UPnP are not the best friends. The Heos App shows folder Icons only for album folders (album.container) in navigation tree. The other folders are shown without any folder icon. Is there any configuration option to turn folder icons completely off? It doesn‘t look nice when album folders only are shown with folder icons.

    Last edited by RGY; September 18, 2018, 10:22 PM.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Asset for Pi and Denon Heos App

      There is no option to turn off album art from appearing in albums listings.


      • PeterP
        Super Moderator
        • Jul 2011
        • 1498

        Re: Asset for Pi and Denon Heos App

        Thanks for your feedback.
        "Unknown" entires have been addressed in the latest beta version-
        Current version: R6.2 beta 15 Downloads: &lt;now released&gt; (Synology link until it is published) Changes since R6.1 Fixed AAC decoding on QNAP with 64-bit ARM processors. Warning on corrupted database file, shown when accessing web config. Standalone builds for ARM64

        Linux version of Asset now behaves the same as Windows in that regard.


        • RGY

          • Sep 2018
          • 6

          Re: Asset for Pi and Denon Heos App

          Hi Spoon,

          Thanks for answering my question. But I don't want to suppress album art. It's pretty nice to have album art and the upstream feature. What I want to have are the folder icons for navtree folders like artist, genre, top tracks and so on. But the Denon App shows folder icons for folders of class album.container only. It doesn't look nice to get some folders with icons and some without. So I wanted to know if there is any parameter to switch folder icons completely of. I have renamed the directory AssetIcons but that doesn't help since the Heos App shows placeholder icons with Heos logo instead.
          Looks like Denon has to do something here.
          Last edited by RGY; September 19, 2018, 06:22 PM.


          • RGY

            • Sep 2018
            • 6

            Re: Asset for Pi and Denon Heos App

            Hi Peter,

            thanks for your fast response and the support for all the different Controlpoint Apps.
            I will check the new beta for RPi on my WD mycloud nas (arm7).


            • RGY

              • Sep 2018
              • 6

              Re: Asset for Pi and Denon Heos App


              all "Unknown" entries are gone with latest beta
              Here are two screenshots of the Heos App:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	2018-10-04 11.21.21.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	75.0 KB
ID:	293963

              Click image for larger version

Name:	2018-10-04 11.23.37.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	79.5 KB
ID:	293964

              Heos App does not show all folder icons delivered by Asset server. It looks like a dependency to upnp:class of the container. If the container has the class object.container no icon will be displayed. If the container has the class object.container.album an icon is available.
              Here are some Log entries to show an example of two container ids delivered by Asset:

              <container id="coC3D9140FB30099A6" parentID="0" restricted="0" searchable="1"><dc:title>Album</dc:title><dc:creator> </dc:creator><upnp:artist></upnp:artist><upnp:genre>Unknown</upnp:genre><upnp:albumArtURI dlna:profileID="JPEG_TN"></upnp:albumArtURI><upnp:class>object.container</upnp:class></container>

              <container id="coA967667B63F5E4CD" parentID="0" restricted="0" searchable="1"><dc:title>New Albums</dc:title><dc:creator> </dc:creator><upnp:artist></upnp:artist><upnp:genre>Unknown</upnp:genre><upnp:albumArtURI dlna:profileID="JPEG_TN"></upnp:albumArtURI><upnp:class>object.container.albu m</upnp:class></container>

              I use the standard navigation tree and both containers have subcontainers for music albums. The App will not show folder icons at all if all containers that don t represent a music album are of class object.container. But the display of the navigation tree would be more consistent.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: Asset for Pi and Denon Heos App

                We cannot set the folder to 'object.container.album' for non albums as this would create issues in other control points.


                • RGY

                  • Sep 2018
                  • 6

                  Re: Asset for Pi and Denon Heos App


                  thanks for your fast reply.
                  Would it be possible to do it the other way around. Can you set the folders "New Albums", "Top Albums", "Album by Release", "Album by Artist", "Compilation", "Jukebox Album Selection" to object.container like you have done it with the folder "Album" (see log entry above).
                  That way the Heos App would not show any icon at all, but I think it looks better than some icons here and some icons there.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: Asset for Pi and Denon Heos App

                    The folder album does not have this because there is an A to Z selection within, it would be those set correctly to object.container.album

                    We cannot remove this item for legitimate album listings as this would stop various control points listing the albums as large squares for selection (in a grid view) as apposed to a straight list.

