Having got Asset running again on my Raspberry Pi which unfortunately crashed big-time, I am somewhat perplexed by the browse tree. This is largely because I have moved from whatever the previous version was, to the new 6.1 version.
My search used to be:
......and off we go!
Now I get two extra, and for me unnecessary steps, between Composers and Albums involving a selection of Artists/Album/Title/Genre and another A-Z selection.
I'd be grateful for some explanation as to how to get rid of these steps.
Many thanks.
My search used to be:
- Composer
- A-Z
- Composers (for letter A-Z selected)
- Albums (for composer selected)
- Tracks (for album selected)
......and off we go!
Now I get two extra, and for me unnecessary steps, between Composers and Albums involving a selection of Artists/Album/Title/Genre and another A-Z selection.
I'd be grateful for some explanation as to how to get rid of these steps.
Many thanks.