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Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

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  • No Nickname

    • May 2018
    • 28

    Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

    Apologies if this has been asked but I didn't find anything exactly like this when searching. I also acknowledge that this could be an issue with the Naim App more so than Asset.
    I have tried reseting both the Naim app and Asset UPnP but the issue persists.

    I have a 96k .wav file of an album and when I open that album in the Naim app to play it every song is listed and plays twice.
    so if I go to the album "Bob" and open it I will see 1. Song Name first song 1. Song Name first song 2. Song name second song 2. Song Name second song.
    and when I play the first song it then plays the song again. I have checked the drive/folder/artist folder/album folder to make sure there is only one version of the song and the album. I have included the sample rate in the song name (which doesn't show up in the app) so Song Name first song is actually called "Song Name first song_96k" but that isn't included.

    I have tried resetting the Naim app a couple of times and re detecting the folder but the issue continues. I am not sure if other albums are having the same issues but I haven't found any yet. This is day two of me using Asset and the Naim app.

    Is there a good way to completely reset asset? I haven't tried a complete uninstall and reinstall although that is next.
    Thanks for any suggestions.
    Naim Atom Macbook Pro OS X 10.13.4 networking through router via ethernet.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

    Try removing just that album (move the files somewhere not scanned by asset), then try to play the tracks, do any of them play?


    • No Nickname

      • May 2018
      • 28

      Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

      Hello Spoon. Thank you for the reply. I will try that this evening. What I did try was removing the albums completely and reseting the Naim app and having Asset rescan the library. The albums showed up but there was no content when I opened them. Also every album had the wrong artwork or content. After several resets the problem wrong art/content continued. I reinstalled the albums and all the artwork/content was correct but the 96k wav albums were showing and playing double content. I received an email from Naim confirming that Asset catalogs the files so the issue seems to be with Asset. I will remove the albums again as you suggested and if there are tracks listed I will try to play them. The next step I may try is convert the wav to Flac. So far the only issue I have found are these six albums with 96k .wavs. Thanks again for the suggestion. Will update by 9pm PST. Is there a way to completely reset Asset? I noticed that uninstalling it, redownloading and installing it again didn't clear the settings. (I had made changes to the way it handled multiple discs and compared similar when I was trying to resolve the double listing)?
      Last edited by No Nickname; May 14, 2018, 03:29 PM. Reason: added question


      • No Nickname

        • May 2018
        • 28

        Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

        Hello Again, this is later than I thought I would be. So, the album files are deleted but still showing up in the Naim App. And I can play them. They are not currently doubled. One album only has one song listed but everything else is listed correctly and seemingly complete and plays. I only have one drive mounted and I have pointed Asset to it. I took the album files and put them in the trash and emptied the trash. If I can't actually delete the files I am sort of at a loss for the next step. What am I missing?


        • No Nickname

          • May 2018
          • 28

          Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

          sorry. double post.
          Last edited by No Nickname; May 15, 2018, 08:43 AM. Reason: double post


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

            If you have removed the files, then you have a 2nd set of files somewhere else with the same metadata. It is not possible to play files which are not accessible to Asset.


            • No Nickname

              • May 2018
              • 28

              Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

              Thanks again Spoon. I have mostly solved the problem. Of course it can't play files that don't exist but searches for artist name were only showing one version. I have been using my itunes library on an external drive as the folder and in the "Unknown Artist" folder there was another version of the song. There was no metadata which is how I assumed Asset was placing the song but it was going by exact song titles. Once I did a search for the exact title I found it in the artist folder and the unknown folder. So Asset was finding the title and placing it in the album folder along with the title in the artist folder. One album is still not showing up correctly but I think I can fix that. I haven't found which artist it is putting it under. Thanks again for the help


              • No Nickname

                • May 2018
                • 28

                Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

                So some things are fixed. So far it is one particular artist. I haven't found other artists with the same issue. Some albums that I can see and play are showing up in the Naim app and some aren't. Some are labelled as one thing in the list but when I go to play them they are something else and some albums just don't show up. I am going to have to check some other artists that I have a bunch of albums by but I really don't understand the issue here. I have tried refreshing asset and the app. Any reason or setting I could try on Asset? Thanks.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

                  You need a good tag editor, PerfectTUNES is great for sorting out complex tags as you can browse like in asset by the tags.


                  • No Nickname

                    • May 2018
                    • 28

                    Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

                    I will try that but I am seeing inconsistency with Asset. The artist I am having trouble with is Peter Gabriel (the only one I have found but I haven't had time to check every artist). For the album "So" It was only showing the track "Mercy Street" even though I had the entire album in the same folder. After resetting under that album title when selected it was actually a different Peter Gabriel album. Resetting again it had the correct album with the song Mercy Street listed twice. No matter how I searched I could only find one version of that song. This morning when I ran Asset and went back to So Mercy Street was the only song listed. I have the album Security in the Artist Peter Gabriel folder but it doesn't show up. The Peter Gabriel files that seem to be problematic are 96k .wav. I am going to dump them and try flac or Apple Lossless and see if that works any better. Right now the albums So and Security are the ones having issues so it seems like 96k shouldn't be the problem. Thanks for your patience. I will try the tagging software you suggest and see if anything changes. I just found that there is at least one more Peter Gabriel song missing. A song from a film sound track. And when I opened the Naim app to search for the song to see if it ended up somewhere else I saw that all the Peter Gabriel albums were missing and had been replaced by a single Saint-Saens album. I expect it will partially repopulate but this isn't a confidence builder.
                    Last edited by No Nickname; May 16, 2018, 02:55 PM. Reason: added information


                    • mville
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Dec 2008
                      • 4023

                      Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

                      Originally posted by No Nickname
                      I will try that but I am seeing inconsistency with Asset.
                      Inconsistencies with Asset are often due to tag inconsistencies.

                      I suggest you move all albums with issues, from the folders that are configured in Asset, to another folder location. Then, Refresh All in Asset and refresh the Naim App, until there are no more issues.

                      Next, check that the tags for the troublesome albums are consistent. Once you're at happy the tags are ok, move the album back to the Asset configured folder (one album at a time) and make sure all is ok in the Naim app.


                      • No Nickname

                        • May 2018
                        • 28

                        Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

                        Hello Spoon. Thanks again for your time. I am backing up my library to a separate drive and will run PerfectTUNES on it and see if that resolves the issues I am having.


                        • No Nickname

                          • May 2018
                          • 28

                          Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

                          Originally posted by mville
                          Inconsistencies with Asset are often due to tag inconsistencies.

                          I suggest you move all albums with issues, from the folders that are configured in Asset, to another folder location. Then, Refresh All in Asset and refresh the Naim App, until there are no more issues.

                          Next, check that the tags for the troublesome albums are consistent. Once you're at happy the tags are ok, move the album back to the Asset configured folder (one album at a time) and make sure all is ok in the Naim app.
                          Thank you. After I tag everything using perfectTunes I will see what it looks like and deal with the individual albums as they come up. Once I cleared up why some albums were showing two of every song I thought the issue was resolved. Now certain albums aren't showing up at all, when they had been before or showing up as different albums. I clearly don't understand enough about how things are tagged but it seemed strange that an album "So" would show one song but not the others, then show the entire album with the one song listed twice in different play positions and then end up showing the "So" title but actually be a Saint-Saens album the next day or occasionally a different Peter Gabriel album. It is a bit like balls and cups. I am never sure what I am going to see when open the folder. Hopefully re-tagging sorts it out and thanks for the advice.
                          Last edited by No Nickname; May 16, 2018, 08:21 PM. Reason: grammar


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44844

                            Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

                            You will need to ensure there is an album artist set for cds where tracks can have differing artists. If the whole album has different artists then check the compilation option.


                            • No Nickname

                              • May 2018
                              • 28

                              Re: Naim App showing multiple version of song titles in album-OS X

                              Thanks Spoon. I will keep that in mind. I was a little thrown when I used perfectTune to try and label the album So. One song was labelled but the rest of the spaces were blank. It took me a minute to discover that files were there but there was no metadata. I saw track times and realized I could highlight and edit. I will know if I was successful retagging tomorrow morning or evening. So far every time I have refreshed Asset and reset the Naim app I got different results for the problematic albums. The last time I tried artwork was off but if I selected the album and backed out selected a different album, then reselected the first album it would be correct. Not every 96k .wav album will take artwork but I don't much care about that. The one song for So that consistently showed up won't take artwork but the rest will. It was all a bit confusing but I have figured, maybe incorrectly that Networking and communicating with the App is a bit slow and inconsistent. If I can open the albums I have been having trouble with without missing tracks and having to refresh constantly I will consider the situation resolved. I will check back in in a couple of days.
                              While spot checking artists and tags I found several albums I can't see or play but they have been protected AAC files. I think I can solve this through Apple and iTunes match. Thanks for your help and patience. Here's hoping that the files show up correctly tomorrow and the next day.

