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How does Asset count compilations in the album count?

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  • uncl_nigel

    • Aug 2017
    • 26

    How does Asset count compilations in the album count?

    If I rip a compilation album of 20 songs by 12 artists (using dbpoweramp checking the compilation box) how many albums does Asset see and add to the overall album count on the panel that opens when I click on the little icon in the top bar of my MAC?


    I am asking because Asset tells me I have more albums than I thought I have...
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: How does Asset count compilations in the album count?

    If your albums are tagged consistently, Asset should report 1 album. If tags are not consistent Asset will produce the sort of results you are seeing.

    To help you troubleshoot and search for inconsistencies, you can use the uMediaLibrary-dumpdb.exe to dump the Asset database to a text file. Towards the end of the text file, the albums that Asset sees are listed under the heading t_album iID.

