Seem to be having a problem streaming FLAC as MP3 from Asset uPNP Linux R4.4.
With any FLAC selected to play on the remote device (in this case is Foobar2000 for iPad), the track simply doesn't start playing and the seekbar is essentially disabled. I have activated logs and can see that the file is converted on the fly however, the remote device appears to simply be not playing this. If I copy the HTTP link into Safari on the iPad, it starts playing a-okay through the browser remotely.
Below is an image of the above and the log dump.
Has anyone encountered similar and overcome this also?
Thanks in advance!

Seem to be having a problem streaming FLAC as MP3 from Asset uPNP Linux R4.4.
With any FLAC selected to play on the remote device (in this case is Foobar2000 for iPad), the track simply doesn't start playing and the seekbar is essentially disabled. I have activated logs and can see that the file is converted on the fly however, the remote device appears to simply be not playing this. If I copy the HTTP link into Safari on the iPad, it starts playing a-okay through the browser remotely.
Below is an image of the above and the log dump.
Has anyone encountered similar and overcome this also?
Thanks in advance!

===========ProcessFileRequest================ ============================================= Content Range: 7109600 to -1 Decodes [Get] Streaming '/music/~ albums/Paxton Fettel - Nothing Stays The Same [FLAC]/Paxton Fettel - Nothing Stays The Same - 03 As He Fell Through The Sunrise.flac' [Format: '/music/~ albums/Paxton Fettel - Nothing Stays The Same [FLAC]/Paxton Fettel - Nothing Stays The Same - 03 As He Fell Through The Sunrise.flac'] ->-> [Open] Opening file '/music/~ albums/Paxton Fettel - Nothing Stays The Same [FLAC]/Paxton Fettel - Nothing Stays The Same - 03 As He Fell Through The Sunrise.flac' for read access: Opened Init FLAC: Reading Meta Data: contained 8 tags: TITLE: As He Fell Through The Sunrise ARTIST: Paxton Fettel Year: 2017 COMMENT: Visit http://greta-cottage-workshop.bandcamp.com ALBUM: Nothing Stays The Same Track: 3 ISRC: GBST71200144 Album Artist: Paxton Fettel Contains picture block, size (bytes): 144442 type: 3 ->-> [ReadIDTags] <-<- [ReadIDTags] ->-> [FillAudioProps] Encoder: FLAC reference libFLAC 1.3.1 20141125 Sample Count: 9,821,932 ID Tag: Vorbis Comments Contains: Album Art, CRC, ID Tag [Vorbis Comments] <-<- [FillAudioProps] ->-> [FillAudioInfo] Uncompressed WFX (sent to db): Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 16 Samples Per Second: 44100 Bytes Per Second: 176400 Block Align: 4 CB Size: 0 Audio Length: 222719 mili-seconds 24237959 bytes 1411 kbps <-<- [FillAudioInfo] Creating Decode Buffers: Created <-<- [Open] Opened for streaming.->-> [LoadEncoder] Loading Encoder '/usr/bin/asset/bin/encoder/mp3 (Lame).so' <-<- [LoadEncoder] ->-> [BeginConversion] Converting to '[memory]' encoder settings ' -b 256 -bypassregchk -cbr_only -force_iso="1"' Lame encoder settings: -b 256 --strictly-enforce-ISO -t --noreplaygain -r --little-endian --bitwidth 16 - "-" <-<- [BeginConversion] Forced Streaming to MP3 Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 16 Samples Per Second: 44100 Bytes Per Second: 176400 Block Align: 4 CB Size: 0 Steaming 7127008 bytes from Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 16 Samples Per Second: 44100 Bytes Per Second: 176400 Block Align: 4 CB Size: 0 Serve Entity Set to: audio/mpeg ->-> [EndConversion] <-<- [EndConversion] ->-> [Close] <-<- [Close]