Hi Radio 3 in the UK is currently trialing a streaming lossless service using FLAC encoded in an MPEG-DASH format.
At present this is only supported within a Firefox Browser on a PC, so limited to extract the stream out to 'Normal' HiFi.
One other UPnP server provider has managed to add a MPEG-DASH decoder to their product and extract the FLAC from the stream, which can then be transcoded to WAV.
Could Asset have something similar?
The required Playlist file entry looks like this:
*EXTINF:-1,[R3DASH;flac] BBC Radio 3 lossless
A new challenge for you.
At present this is only supported within a Firefox Browser on a PC, so limited to extract the stream out to 'Normal' HiFi.
One other UPnP server provider has managed to add a MPEG-DASH decoder to their product and extract the FLAC from the stream, which can then be transcoded to WAV.
Could Asset have something similar?
The required Playlist file entry looks like this:
*EXTINF:-1,[R3DASH;flac] BBC Radio 3 lossless
A new challenge for you.