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How do I get Titles to list?

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  • uncl_nigel

    • Aug 2017
    • 26

    How do I get Titles to list?

    I am using Asset (trial version downloaded about two weeks ago) on an iMac streaming to a Simaudio Moon Mind180 with an iPad for control. The library is on an external USB drive and has around 17,000 tracks over around 1,500 albums.

    On launch "Album/Artist" lists once the scan is over, "Album" also lists after a few minutes but I cannot get "Title" to list.

    Is this a limit of the trial version or do I have to configure something?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: How do I get Titles to list?

    It could be there are too many titles and the control point is timing out. You have the A to Z selection? before titles are shown?


    • uncl_nigel

      • Aug 2017
      • 26

      Re: How do I get Titles to list?

      No A to Z just a blank page since I installed the USB disc of wave files two (or is it there days ago..

      Being a bit obstinate, I went into config and as a precaution clicked on "restore default" even though I had not changed anything previously then I clicked on "refresh all" and now I get the titles.

      Great function - I have used it to find and compare versions of the same songs - surprising how many versions I have of Kylä vuotti uutta kuutta, Oi dai and Leliumai...

      Asset and a streamer give you a different view of your music collection :-)

