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Can't get access to diskstation:45537

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  • CorbelP

    • Aug 2016
    • 7

    Can't get access to diskstation:45537

    I just reinstall Asset on my new Synology 216j as previous one crashed under warrantee.
    Installation with putty went Ok and i can see AssetUPnP on my Moon mind music server.
    But can't configure Asset as i get no connection on http://diskstation-name:45537
    Any idea?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Can't get access to diskstation:45537

    Anything different about this sinology than the last? what happens if you try to connect to:



    • CorbelP

      • Aug 2016
      • 7

      Re: Can't get access to diskstation:45537

      Spoon, thx for your quick reply.
      No identified change vs previous set up, but likely I didn't configure the server exactly the same. No other changes, especially same router set up.
      Launching Synology-name ends up with the connection page to the Synology (usr & psd).



      • PeterP
        Super Moderator
        • Jul 2011
        • 1498

        Re: Can't get access to diskstation:45537

        What does Asset program say in terminal when started manually from putty? It should report what address it's presenting its web interface at.

        Does your NAS have more than one IP address on your network - is it for an example connected by both ethernet and wifi dongle?


        • CorbelP

          • Aug 2016
          • 7

          Re: Can't get access to diskstation:45537

          The Nas has a single ip adress and only connected by Ethernet.
          How can I start Asset from putty (I've only used Putty applying the instructions I got on the forum on how to install Asset)?


          • PeterP
            Super Moderator
            • Jul 2011
            • 1498

            Re: Can't get access to diskstation:45537

            First, make sure Asset service is not running.

            Go to the folder where your Asset binaries reside.
            Type ./AssetUPnP to launch Asset from the terminal.

            If you've followed Asset installation instructions from relevant forum thread, your Asset binaries are located in /usr/bin/asset/bin - so the commands you need to type are:
            cd /usr/bin/asset/bin


            • CorbelP

              • Aug 2016
              • 7

              Re: Can't get access to diskstation:45537

              Thx Peter,

              I confirm Asset is installed in the folder as you mentioned and i can see the Asset upnp menu on my Mind streamer, so I'm quite sure the installation is ok. Just got issue as I cant reach http/synology_name:45537.

              As I installed Asset following the instruction in the forum, I Asset is operating as a soon I switch the nas on (i don't see assetupnp when the Nas is off, but as son as the Nas is awake, I see Asset upnp in the mind menu).

              - so, how to stop the auto start or stop Asset when the Nas is on
              - once I will launch Asset manually, I do I get the port Asset is using?
              Hope WE are getting closer...


              • PeterP
                Super Moderator
                • Jul 2011
                • 1498

                Re: Can't get access to diskstation:45537

                Use the following command to signal Asset to stop any running instances:
                ./AssetUPnP --shutdown

                Then start Asset from terminal:

                ... and see what it says - should at least produce some error messages if there's an apparent problem, or tell you what address it thinks it's showing the web interface at.


                • CorbelP

                  • Aug 2016
                  • 7

                  Re: Can't get access to diskstation:45537

                  Got it! :45537 as it should. And i can connect once I start Asset manually, so likely string is wrong in my auto start script, so I will write it again and see...

                  To configure Asset do you know the path of the music folder on synology ( I don t see it on /usr/share).

