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Trying to do DSD streaming. Almost there...

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  • zzzthump

    • Jul 2017
    • 3

    Trying to do DSD streaming. Almost there...


    Have the QNAP version of software V5.1.1 on trial currently looking at using for serving to various DLNA devices around house. Have run into some issues however. Have an IT background so can capture information if needed.

    1. Using JRiver it was not bringing all files across to library. Seemed to always stop around 1181 files. Tonight its bought in 11000 which i expect.
    Very slow browsing using BubblePNP for some reason.
    Have deleted log files manually, wondering if this was the cause of this issue. I did notice in the logs this entry. Perhaps the logs just got massive and it struggled to write it each one.

    [19:00:39] UPnP debug log opened
    [19:00:39] R5.1.1
    [19:00:39] Asset install location: /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/Asset/bin/
    [19:00:39] Linux NASCB05CE 3.4.6 *1 SMP Wed Jun 28 10:57:41 CST 2017 x86_64 unknown

    0 searchCriteria: (upnp:class derivedfrom "object.item.audioItem.musicTrack")
    Filter: * Start Idx: 0 Count: 1000 What is this count about here? Is something limiting what we can pull back doing a search as in maximum number of entries?

    2. Can I exclude a folder from being scanned? I have a folder for the CAR which is low resolution audio downsampled from the high resolution audio, and dont want that to be in the DLNA library of course.
    Folder structure is similar to :
    Music\High Resolution

    I set to the point to be \Music . Would i need to specify individual folders to get this function?

    3. I have audio hardware (Oppo 105D) capable of playing DSD DFF and DSF files whether they are pushed to the device or pulled via the device using a control point, however the hardware does not present this information via DLNA, even though I can forcibly push to it using other DLNA software or bubble for example.

    Can you use the Control Point Overide to force for example .dsf files as .dsf and not transcode them. I know I can set the transcode to Single, however may want it enabled for other devices. Unsure if this would work as believe i need some type of Renderer override,not a control point overide would that be correct? Can you do this in this software at all? I guess I want something like a profile I can apply to a specific device if it can support it?

    The Oppo sends this doing a PNP query (have clipped out the video stuff)


    The Pioneer Receiver sends this from a PNP query:


    Very impressed but need to figure the above out before I purchase this or another bit of software.

    Many thanks

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Trying to do DSD streaming. Almost there...

    >Filter: * Start Idx: 0 Count: 1000 What is this count about here?

    The program will read in blocks, in this instance 1000 at a time, the next request would be start idx:1000 count:1000

    2. You would have to remove the main folder and add the sub folders individually
    3. It is not possible to override on the renderer, sorry (upnp works that the format supplied has to be given out to the control point, before the renderer is even involved).


    • zzzthump

      • Jul 2017
      • 3

      Re: Trying to do DSD streaming. Almost there...

      Originally posted by Spoon
      >Filter: * Start Idx: 0 Count: 1000 What is this count about here?

      The program will read in blocks, in this instance 1000 at a time, the next request would be start idx:1000 count:1000

      2. You would have to remove the main folder and add the sub folders individually
      3. It is not possible to override on the renderer, sorry (upnp works that the format supplied has to be given out to the control point, before the renderer is even involved).
      Thanks for the reply. Can you advise what I can do with the Control Point Overide area? How is this meant to be setup? Any examples etc?
      With regards to 3 is there any plan to introduce something like this function? I know Plex for example is able to do this.




      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Trying to do DSD streaming. Almost there...

        The best way is to use R6, then create 2 instances of Asset, one for each player type. You can then configure what happens to DSD from the configuration page (as is, or as wav, or lpcm).


        • zzzthump

          • Jul 2017
          • 3

          Re: Trying to do DSD streaming. Almost there...


          Thanks for the reply. So I am running this on a QNAP TS859U NAS. Version appears to be Version: R5.1.1. Is there an option for V6 for the QNAP released yet? I am assuming only V6 onwards allows two instances?

          What is the actual point of the Control Point Overide area?




          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Trying to do DSD streaming. Almost there...

            R6 for QNAP is in the testing section of this forum.

            Control Point Override: often the device is the control point and player at the same time (such as TVs or PS3), it works well with these (such as PS3 which needs lpcm).

