I was using v5.4 with my Bose SoundTouch, the Asset UPnP library was showing and could be added to the device library. Since updating to v6 the Bose can't see the Asset UPnP library any longer. I can see and play the Asset UPnP v6 library from other devices (android, Widows, AC receiver).
Any help with this would be great...should i go back to v5.4 to test it out...
I was using v5.4 with my Bose SoundTouch, the Asset UPnP library was showing and could be added to the device library. Since updating to v6 the Bose can't see the Asset UPnP library any longer. I can see and play the Asset UPnP v6 library from other devices (android, Widows, AC receiver).
Any help with this would be great...should i go back to v5.4 to test it out...