Just bought a Raspberrypi downloaded Raspberry Pi release 5.1 and set up as instructions. All works well accept half way through playing an album it stops, I wondered if Raspberry pi went into sleep mode but I googled and it does not have sleep mode. Works OK with Asset on my PC, any ideas.
Stops playing
Re: Stops playing
If you play a different album, how long does it take to stop? is it the same time with different albums?Comment
Re: Stops playing
"Disaster" Just turned the Raspberrypi off to tidy it away under my desk, on switching on the app on my phone said there was no files to play? Connected a monitor key board etc and found the /home/pi/nas folder empty!!!
When setting up I went through numerous saves and reboots, so what's happened?Comment
Re: Stops playing
This folder is where you have mounted the NAS share?
perhaps go through those steps again.Comment
Re: Stops playing
Decided to replace free Asset with Premium version, would not install errors. Downloaded to download folder but will not extract to /usr/bin, said I did not have the right permissions, try entering password but still denied.
Do I have to uninstal Asset free first if how?Comment
Re: Stops playing
Yes it would not because Asset is running. You need to stop asset, have a read of: