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Asset uPnP Advanced Configuration Help

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  • antmstr

    • Mar 2017
    • 1

    Asset uPnP Advanced Configuration Help

    I am trying to do something relatively simple. Well, all my album names are preceded by the artist via tags. I want a category called Albums. I want it sorted alphabetically. I want to see the tracks when I click on the cover art. Brother! how do you get the tree to do this. I had it once then I lost it and now I can't get it back. How can there be no manual for this thing. The server is on a windows desktop. The client is the Simaudio Mind app running on an IPAD. Somebody give me a hint.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset uPnP Advanced Configuration Help

    If you browse Artist >> Album in the tree, does it not show the albums alphabetically? and when you click an album does it not show the tracks?

    What has recently changed to stop it working as you want?

