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Free version limitations and registration

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  • Jacek_Sz

    • Mar 2017
    • 1

    Free version limitations and registration

    Hi All,

    Last week I have bought a Naim Mu-so and I was testing Asset UPnP listening to my ripped CD's from my PC. All works well, but I would like to know what exactly are the free version limitations?

    What I need is access to ripped FLAC's in one folder, then I need Asset UPnP to show only Artist, Albums, Titles and maybe New Albums. That's it, I don't need a radio, sophisticated browsing methods or play lists. To my surprise, I have also noticed that using Asset UPnP I can play FLAC files even on my Samsung TV, but I don't know if it's Asset's feature or my TV's? Will I have it all when my trial version expires? If not, what's left?

    I also plan to buy a QNAP NAS TS-251 and move all my music to it. If I decide I need to purchase a full version of Asset UPnP, is it one registration for all versions or QNAP and PC versions need to be purchased separately?

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards - Jacek
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Free version limitations and registration

    New Albums would require the non-free version (is Dynamic playlists), see:

    end of the page.

