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Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

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  • marcaurel

    • May 2007
    • 24

    Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

    I already tried this many times because I couldn't believe it
    but I always got the same results:

    My actual system:
    Windows 10, running in a KVM VM, 4 CPUs, 3 GB RAM

    I want to create the following 3 instances:
    - MAIN using the connected CIFS share M:
    - MUSIK2 using the connected CIFS share N:
    - LAGER using the connected CIFS share L:
    While creating the first 2 instances the Configuration Panel shows the
    names as "Asset UPnP: WIN10" and "Asset UPnP: WIN10 *2"
    although I entered MAIN respectively MUSIK2.
    After changing the name 3 times or so
    and restarting Asset UPnP a few times it is finally accepted
    (maybe a timing problem because Asset UPnP must create
    the structure first before the correct name can be shown?).

    (btw selecting the share letters with "Add Folder" is almost impossible
    and only by using tricks as they are never shown when
    adding a folder but this is another problem which will be described in another post)

    This is what the configuration panel shows after
    creating the third instance:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot_2017-03-25_16-32-46.png
Views:	1
Size:	14.9 KB
ID:	297150

    MAIN is correctly shown with correct number of tracks and albums.
    The entry "Asset UPnP: WIN10 *2" seems to be an empty one.
    No Folder has been added.
    The instances MUSIK2 and LAGER are missing
    although they are running, shown by Control Points and usable.
    I restarted the system but nothing changed.
    All instances are running correctly but the Configuration Panel shows rubbish.

    This is the directory structure of "...\AppData\Roaming\dBpoweramp\uMediaLibrary"
    which seems very strange to me (multiple nested folders "1" and "2"):

    Although I have enabled "Output Debug Log" for all instances
    the files "asset-debug-asset.txt" and "asset-debug-lib.txt"
    stay at 0 kB size except in subfolder "uMediaLibrary\2", which
    must be the MAIN instance as the file "MediaFoldersWatch.txt"
    has the content "M:".
    Last edited by marcaurel; March 26, 2017, 06:56 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

    As a test, create 3 folders on your local HDD, put one album in each and point each asset to one folder. Restart the computer (full shut down, restart), then reindex and see what each asset shows.


    • marcaurel

      • May 2007
      • 24

      Re: Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

      created three folders on the system itself.
      Each one contains an album.
      I killed all Asset UPnP instances to be able to remove "uMediaLibrary" folder
      Restarted computer to start anew.

      - i create the three instances MAIN, MUSIK2, FOLDER
      (only settings: adding the respective folder and changing identification)
      Click image for larger version

Name:	pic1.png
Views:	1
Size:	13.1 KB
ID:	293313
      After creation none is running
      - click on "Refresh all"
      nothing happens
      - click on "Detecting changes"
      nothing happens
      - click on "Restart Asset"
      now the first instance MAIN is started
      Status: 0 tracks 0 albums
      - click on "Edit Advanced Settings" while MAIN is active
      no folder has been added, identification has been reswitched to "Asset UPnP: WIN10"
      the program seems to have forgotten the settings
      Click image for larger version

Name:	pic3.png
Views:	1
Size:	14.5 KB
ID:	293314
      - selecting MUSIK2
      Status: Not Running
      - click on "Edit Advanced Settings"
      Click image for larger version

Name:	pic4.png
Views:	1
Size:	49.1 KB
ID:	293315
      the same: no folder has been added, identification has been reswitched to "Asset UPnP: WIN10 *1"
      - selecting LAGER
      Status: Not Running
      - click on "Edit Advanced Settings"
      Click image for larger version

Name:	pic6.png
Views:	1
Size:	50.8 KB
ID:	293317
      now it gets very strange:
      LAGER seems to have the values of MAIN. MAIN's folder is shown and MAIN as identification
      - when leaving the settings MAIN is shown instead of LAGER -> LAGER has become MAIN
      Click image for larger version

Name:	pic7.png
Views:	1
Size:	15.1 KB
ID:	293316
      all instances seem to have been started now:
      "Asset UPnP: WIN10" and "Asset UPnP: WIN10 *1" are still empty
      but MAIN shows 1 album 12 tracks which is correct
      - renaming "Asset UPnP: WIN10" and "Asset UPnP: WIN10 *1" to MUSIK2 and LAGER and readding the respective folders
      both want a restart when clicking on OK, afterwards they show the correct tracks and album

      Some wishes:
      - when clicking on "Delete Selected Asset" while the empty line between the last instance and "Create Additional Asset"
      is selected nothing should happen. Instead the program asks to delete one of the assets.
      The emtpy line should not be selectable!
      - when leaving the settings window without clicking on OK no new rescan process should be started
      Last edited by marcaurel; March 27, 2017, 07:11 PM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

        Will test your steps the next time we are updating Asset.


        • kaled

          • Sep 2013
          • 31

          Re: Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

          Hello there,
          I think I'm having the same issues. Upgraded from previous versions to version 6. As soon as I create a new 'asset' then when I go back to rescan the library it seems to work. However, I attempt to put a filter on the new asset (to only stream a certain genre) then when I go back and rescan the library, then actually the original library disappears completely and the new asset has a full library - i.e. no filter.
          Should a clean install possibly make a difference. i.e. can you remove all traces of the installation and then re-install?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

            There could be issues which need looking at, it is likely a reinstall will not fix for you.


            • kaled

              • Sep 2013
              • 31

              Re: Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

              Can I download version 5.1 now - I seem to have deleted my copy. I need it as I can't use V6 currently. The issues with multiple libraries makes v6 unusable for me. I've reinstalled (having deleted the folder in the app folder) and despite this and only having one instance of the library in the configuration window, my media players see multiple instances.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

                I am sorry we do not have 5.1 on our systems any more.

                If you stop asset, and remove the folder (its settings), then restart asset. If it shows only 1 asset in the profile drop list, and task manager shows only 2 assets running, then only 1 instance is running (2 assets per instance).


                • lafrowda

                  • Aug 2015
                  • 6

                  Re: Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

                  Just read this thread after battling away with this issue for a few hours!

                  For reference, my system is W10 64 bit and I'm running Asset as a service.


                  • OldGreyDave

                    • Nov 2013
                    • 7

                    Re: Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

                    I also arrived at this thread after problems with multiple instances (one instance show twice on the Asset UPnP Configuration interface and the other does not catalog music, or showing music from the other instance). I also note the debug log doesn't show on pressing the button and the Configuration Data shows as location not available. The latter is because it is looking in C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\R oaming for a dBpoweramp directory that is not there.

                    I run on Windows Server 2012 R2 and have Asset UPnP as a service.


                    • lafrowda

                      • Aug 2015
                      • 6

                      Re: Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

                      The latter is probably a permissions issue.

                      Use Windows Explorer to manually browse to the location, granting yourself permission as you go if you are an admin.


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: Asset UPnP 6: serious problems when creating multiple instances

                        <Released> Install over the top of existing version to retain registration status (WHS users, remote desktop connect to WHS, copy install to a created c:\install folder and run installer from there on WHS ). Changes: mp3 Orchestra tagging override option Bug Fix: TCP Socket could infinite loop on certain systems Bug

                        This version fixes issues with multiple instances.

