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Help With Compilation Albums

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  • Agavin52

    • Jan 2017
    • 14

    Help With Compilation Albums

    I have searched the posts for quidance with little success.

    I use dbpoweramp to rip flac 0 compression files to my QNAP NAS. My issues are with Asset. On my NAS when I enter configuration section in Asset, I do not find the section to set compliations=1. I have also explored dbpoweramp to see if that is the program for this setting with no success. I have the full Asset 5.1 program and it seems fully functional as an app on the NAS.

    A second issue is empty directories in artist section, with some of the files available in the album section. Further to this Asset does not seem to like 192/24 HD files. They show up but do not play.

    Some of this maybe my ignorance in software directions as code is quite the challenge for me. Any and all direction in basic language would be greatly appreciated.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Help With Compilation Albums

    Asset does not set compilation to 1, rather your tag editor. To set you would use dBpoweramp >> right click >> Edit ID Tags then add a new tag, select the name as compilation, then type a value of 1


    • Agavin52

      • Jan 2017
      • 14

      Re: Help With Compilation Albums

      Thank you for your very prompt response.

      Does your guidance mean I have to re-rip all my compilation discs to prevent multiple single songs from such albums? Also, I am puzzled why this does not happen when I dbpoweramp rip to logitech media server?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: Help With Compilation Albums

        Different servers work differently, asset is more advanced than the Logitech, in that it uses the compilation tag to have an album identified by artist (if no album artist is set). Without this all your greatest hits albums would be joined together.

        You do not have to re-rip, you can edit te id tags for those already edited files.


        • Agavin52

          • Jan 2017
          • 14

          Re: Help With Compilation Albums

          Once again thank you for your positive direction. I have corrected the multiple albums with the compilations, but now more than a few of the albums give me the album name where I would hope to have the name of the song and the artist performing the track.

          Your assistance in correcting this would be greatly appreciated. Also, some of my directories show as empty in Artist listings while when in album listings the songs are there.

          Finally, is there a comprehensive manual for Asset and dbpoweramp that I could reference?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44840

            Re: Help With Compilation Albums

            In Asset, do a Rescan (Refresh All) on the configuration page.

            Help for dBpoweramp:

            And Asset on a QNAP:



            • Agavin52

              • Jan 2017
              • 14

              Re: Help With Compilation Albums

              Thank you for the program assistance. However, after every change I make to my files I do a rescan (refresh all) command. Yet, it does not seem to correct my desired changes identifying the artist and song names on the compilation albums. I also continue to get empty directories in the artist view while the songs are ther in the album views. Am I correct in thinking that in Tag-edit by leaving the Title as <different> that Asset would populate the song name automatically?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44840

                Re: Help With Compilation Albums

                The tag edit of <different> means you are editing multiple files and the value for each of these files contain a different value, as would be the case for Title. You would not need to change this.

                The issue perhaps relates to 'Album Artist', 'Album' and 'Artist' tags, check for the problem albums that these are correct.

