one question, I have an album with a Piano Duet so I have 2 main artists. Asset shows me in Kazoo only 1 artist, the other I can find under Contributing Artist. By setting the mark in the general settings I can find the 2 artists within Artist/Album. That is clear to me, but when playing the album only the first artist is showed in the controlpoint Kazoo. Is it possible that Kazoo shows me the 2 artists when playing the album ?
one question, I have an album with a Piano Duet so I have 2 main artists. Asset shows me in Kazoo only 1 artist, the other I can find under Contributing Artist. By setting the mark in the general settings I can find the 2 artists within Artist/Album. That is clear to me, but when playing the album only the first artist is showed in the controlpoint Kazoo. Is it possible that Kazoo shows me the 2 artists when playing the album ?