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Compilation Albums

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  • godders

    • Mar 2012
    • 38

    Compilation Albums

    What do I have to do to stop compilation albums being displayed in genre as individual tracks?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Compilation Albums

    This album needs to have a compilation tag set to '1' or you can have an 'album artist' all set to the same value.


    • godders

      • Mar 2012
      • 38

      Re: Compilation Albums

      Compilation tag was already set to 1

      I set 'album artist' to same value and it made no difference, the tracks are still scattered around the folder in composer order.


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4023

        Re: Compilation Albums

        Originally posted by godders
        Compilation tag was already set to 1

        I set 'album artist' to same value and it made no difference, the tracks are still scattered around the folder in composer order.
        After setting Album Artist, did you perform a Refresh All?

        In which application are you seeing this behaviour?


        • godders

          • Mar 2012
          • 38

          Re: Compilation Albums

          After setting Album Artist, did you perform a Refresh All?

          In which application are you seeing this behaviour?

          I gave the wrong info the tracks are listed by artist not composer

          I have refreshed all to no effect

          Asset on an Samsung android phone

          Asset is on another computer which runs all the time in my workshop but I don't want to sit out there and edit, Edit ID-Tag on this computer which is on the same network says files contain no ID-tags, if I install Asset on this computer Edit ID-Tag works OK. My streamer then gets confused as to which Asset to use.

          Any thoughts
          Last edited by godders; November 19, 2016, 05:47 PM.


          • mville
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2008
            • 4023

            Re: Compilation Albums

            Originally posted by godders
            I gave the wrong info the tracks are listed by artist not composer

            I have refreshed all to no effect

            Asset on an Samsung android phone

            Asset is on another computer which runs all the time in my workshop but I don't want to sit out there and edit, Edit ID-Tag on this computer which is on the same network says files contain no ID-tags, if I install Asset on this computer Edit ID-Tag works OK. My streamer then gets confused as to which Asset to use.

            Any thoughts
            I am confused as to what the problem is, you say you have Asset on a Samsung phone and Asset on another computer.

            Perhaps you can provide screenshots, to better describe the problem and your setup?

            ... and I've just checked, but I can't find an Asset UPnP release that runs on the android platform. Can anyone else confirm this?
            Last edited by mville; November 19, 2016, 06:04 PM. Reason: Asset on Android?


            • godders

              • Mar 2012
              • 38

              Re: Compilation Albums

              Sorry I will start again.

              I have a NAS in my workshop and a small computer running Win10 which has Asset.

              I have a Naim streamer and use the Naim app on my Samsung phone that is where I am seeing compilation CD's split up and listed by artist tracks.

              Hope this helps.


              • Wayne
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Aug 2002
                • 1254

                Re: Compilation Albums

                Originally posted by godders
                Sorry I will start again.

                I have a NAS in my workshop and a small computer running Win10 which has Asset.

                I have a Naim streamer and use the Naim app on my Samsung phone that is where I am seeing compilation CD's split up and listed by artist tracks.

                Hope this helps.
                A quick google search indicates that the issue is with the Naim App not recognising/using the compilation tag and relying on just the artist field.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: Compilation Albums

                  If the Naim is using nserve and nserve is browsing Asset then grouping should be as Asset decides.


                  • godders

                    • Mar 2012
                    • 38

                    Re: Compilation Albums

                    The streamer is a Naim ND5xs so does not use nserve app and as Wayne says this problem is being talked about on the Naim forum.

                    Naim acknowledge there is a problem and its on their to do/wish list to sort.

                    Some people on the forum say they have a work around which I will try.


                    • simes_pep
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Dec 2013
                      • 297

                      Re: Compilation Albums

                      I have a Naim Player (previously ND5XS and recent upgraded to NDS) which I use with Asset & Compilation albums work for me, just fine.
                      I have to ensure that the Compilation flag within the metadata is for these albums. I use either dbPowerAmp or mp3tag to manage the metadata.
                      I then set Album Artist to 'Various Artists' or leave blank. Under Advanced Search -> Compilation -> 'Yes', will list all those with the Compilation flag set. Asset R6 has this functionality without the 'Yes' sub-menu.

                      Asset setting in both R5, but also R4 (which I have used on both Windows and RaspberryPi, as I run a dedicated UPnP server on a RPi2), are below:

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	97.0 KB
ID:	293240

                      I have the latest Production Naim app on my iPad (4.9) and Beta versions on my iPhone 6S (as part of Naim's Beta Forum), and again, when browsing the UPnP server source, the Naim App, as a UPnP ControlPoint, reflects how Asset is managing the networked files - this is from the Menu structure, and how the content is presented.


