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Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App

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  • LionPaw

    • Oct 2011
    • 8

    Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App

    Hi Spoon,

    I am little late in updating but I finally got round to updating from Asset UPNP v4.3 to v5.3 on MS Windows!

    Unfortunately my HEOS iPhone app is not happy with searching. With Asset UPNP v4.3 I could search for “Artists”, “Albums”, “Tracks” and “Genres”. If the search was successful with a result being returned I could then select the match and play. With Asset UPNP v5.3 the search does not work for "Artists" and "Genres" anymore.

    I have attached the asset-debug log from searching with the two Asset versions. I did the same searches and so I hope you can see what is going wrong. I did clean out the “uMediaLibary” folder between installs and used the same HEOS iphone app.

    A walking through of what I did with both versions is below.

    Could you take a look to see what is going on?
    Thanks so much!

    Asset UPNP V4.3:
    - Search “Artists” with the term “Adele”.
    Search returned “Adele”. I could click “Adele” and all tracks would display for Adele, allowing me to select tracks to play.

    -Search “Albums” with the term “21 [Limited Edition]”.
    Search returned “21 [Limited Edition]”, I could click “21 [Limited Edition]” and the album would display, allowing me select tracks to play.

    -Search “Tracks” with the term “Lovesong”.
    Search returned “Lovesong”, I could click “Lovesong” and it allowed me to play the track.

    -Search “Artists” with no term.
    Search returned all “Artists”, I could click any artist and all tracks would display from the selected artist, allowing me to select tracks to play.

    -Search “Albums” with no term
    Search returned all “Albums”, I could click any album and all tracks from the Album displayed, allowing me to select tracks to play.

    -Search “Genres” with no term.
    Search returned all “Genres”, I could click any genre and all tracks from the Genre displayed, allowing me to select tracks to play.

    Asset UPNP V5.3:

    - Search “Artists” with the term “Adele”.
    Problem: Search returns “Adele”, I click “Adele” but nothing happens, it does not take me to the list of “tracks” like in v4.3.

    -Search “Albums” with the term “21 [Limited Edition]”.
    Works: Same as v4.3

    -Search “Tracks” with the term “Lovesong”.
    Works: Same as v4.3

    -Search “Artists” with no term.
    Problem: Search returns all “Artists”, I click an "Artist“ but nothing happens, it does not take me to the list of “tracks” like in v4.3.

    -Search “Albums” with no term
    Works: Same as v4.3

    -Search “Genres” with no term.
    PRoblem: Search “Genes” with no term, it returns all “Genres”, I click a “Genre” but nothing happens, it does not take me to the list of “tracks” like in
    Attached Files
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App

    The next beta release of Asset version 6 will correct this


    • LionPaw

      • Oct 2011
      • 8

      Re: Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App

      Thats great news! Thanks so much!


      • grimson

        • Nov 2016
        • 5

        Re: Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App

        Asset UPNP V5.3:
        - Search "Artists" with the term "Adele".
        Problem: Search returns "Adele", I click "Adele" but nothing happens, it does not take me to the list of "tracks" like in v4.3.
        -Search "Artists" with no term.
        Problem: Search returns all "Artists", I click an "Artist&*8220; but nothing happens, it does not take me to the list of "tracks" like in v4.3.
        I can confirm this is still a problem in the latest beta (20th of november 2016) .. (new HEOS user testing uPNP servers).
        - Used with the HEOS iOS APP

        Eager to test this capability
        Last edited by grimson; November 21, 2016, 11:39 AM.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App

          You can enable debug log please and do the search then post the contents.


          • grimson

            • Nov 2016
            • 5

            Re: Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App

            Originally posted by Spoon
            You can enable debug log please and do the search then post the contents.
            Thank you for the reply.

            I noticed 2 files;

            I restarted the service so that both files are empty to start with.

            Thru the HEOS app (iOS) I browse to the Asset UPnP server;

            My options are (translated from nl-NL to en-US):


            No logging yet

            - I select 'Search' and I am being offered 3 categories;
            Artists, Albums and Tracks.

            Still no logging in both files

            Then I type 'adele' to search for (artist) and got in return Adele as a result.

            Now the 'asset-debug-asset.txt' is updated with the following logentries:

            [21-11-2016 16:58:30] UPnP debug log opened
            OnBrowseDirectChildren::object_id: co2F6ED7E47B4B356D  ControlPoint: POSIX UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Intel MicroStack/1.0.1846
              ContainerLong: 0\UNIQUE-SEARCH\Artist / Album
            DIDL Cache Key: POSIX UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Intel MicroStack/1.0.1846 :: ::
            Adele: co199: 0\UNIQUE-SEARCH\Artist / Album\: (t_artist='567'): 
            <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/"><container id="co0BA64DFEDE16B42F" parentID="co2F6ED7E47B4B356D" restricted="0" searchable="1"><dc:title>Adele</dc:title><dc:creator> </dc:creator><upnp:artist></upnp:artist><upnp:genre>Pop</upnp:genre><upnp:albumArtURI dlna:profileID="JPEG_TN"></upnp:albumArtURI><upnp:class>object.container.album</upnp:class></container></DIDL-Lite>
             NumberReturned: 1 TotalMatches: 1 UpdateId: 60
            I go back to 'search' and retry searching for 'adele';

            [21-11-2016 16:58:30] UPnP debug log opened
            OnBrowseDirectChildren::object_id: co2F6ED7E47B4B356D  ControlPoint: POSIX UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Intel MicroStack/1.0.1846
              ContainerLong: 0\UNIQUE-SEARCH\Artist / Album
            DIDL Cache Key: POSIX UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Intel MicroStack/1.0.1846 :: ::
            Adele: co199: 0\UNIQUE-SEARCH\Artist / Album\: (t_artist='567'): 
            <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/"><container id="co0BA64DFEDE16B42F" parentID="co2F6ED7E47B4B356D" restricted="0" searchable="1"><dc:title>Adele</dc:title><dc:creator> </dc:creator><upnp:artist></upnp:artist><upnp:genre>Pop</upnp:genre><upnp:albumArtURI dlna:profileID="JPEG_TN"></upnp:albumArtURI><upnp:class>object.container.album</upnp:class></container></DIDL-Lite>
             NumberReturned: 1 TotalMatches: 1 UpdateId: 60
            0 searchCriteria: upnp:class derivedfrom "object.container.person.musicArtist" and ((dc:title contains "adele"))
             Filter: dc:title,dc:date,upnp:artist,dc:creator,upnp:class,upnp:album,upnp:genre,upnp:albumArtURI,res,res@duration,res@reliability,upnp:originalTrackNumber,avega_media_server:media_library_database,container@searchable Start Idx: 0 Count: 100
            Search ContainerLong: 0\
            OnSearch Calling OnBrowseDirectChildren =======
            OnBrowseDirectChildren::object_id: co2F6ED7E47B4B356D  ControlPoint: POSIX UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Intel MicroStack/1.0.1846
              ContainerLong: 0\UNIQUE-SEARCH\Artist / Album
            DIDL Cache Key: POSIX UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Intel MicroStack/1.0.1846 :: ::
            Adele: co199: 0\UNIQUE-SEARCH\Artist / Album\: (t_artist='567'): 
            <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/"><container id="co0BA64DFEDE16B42F" parentID="co2F6ED7E47B4B356D" restricted="0" searchable="1"><dc:title>Adele</dc:title><dc:creator> </dc:creator><upnp:artist></upnp:artist><upnp:genre>Pop</upnp:genre><upnp:albumArtURI dlna:profileID="JPEG_TN"></upnp:albumArtURI><upnp:class>object.container.album</upnp:class></container></DIDL-Lite>
             NumberReturned: 1 TotalMatches: 1 UpdateId: 60
            Now trying to browse 'Adele' but nothing happens, no logging either.

            Does this provide enough information?


            • grimson

              • Nov 2016
              • 5

              Re: Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App

              Originally posted by Spoon
              You can enable debug log please and do the search then post the contents.

              Ok, I restarted Asset UPnP, cleared the following files;

              - I start the HEOS iOS app, select AssetUPnP server
              - Select option 'Search'; 3 options to search for: Artists, Albums, Tracks
              - selected 'Artists' and typed in 'adele'.

              Now file 'asset-debug-asset.txt' contains the lines:

              [21-11-2016 17:56:16] UPnP debug log opened
              OnBrowseDirectChildren::object_id: co2F6ED7E47B4B356D  ControlPoint: POSIX UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Intel MicroStack/1.0.1846
                ContainerLong: 0\UNIQUE-SEARCH\Artist / Album
              DIDL Cache Key: POSIX UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Intel MicroStack/1.0.1846 :: ::
              Adele: co199: 0\UNIQUE-SEARCH\Artist / Album\: (t_artist='567'): 
              <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/"><container id="co0BA64DFEDE16B42F" parentID="co2F6ED7E47B4B356D" restricted="0" searchable="1"><dc:title>Adele</dc:title><dc:creator> </dc:creator><upnp:artist></upnp:artist><upnp:genre>Pop</upnp:genre><upnp:albumArtURI dlna:profileID="JPEG_TN"></upnp:albumArtURI><upnp:class>object.container.album</upnp:class></container></DIDL-Lite>
               NumberReturned: 1 TotalMatches: 1 UpdateId: 61
              Selecting 'Adele' to browse further gives nothing. Also nothing more is recorded in the logfiles as well. Several retries, nothing.

              Again searching for 'adele'

              [21-11-2016 17:56:16] UPnP debug log opened
              OnBrowseDirectChildren::object_id: co2F6ED7E47B4B356D  ControlPoint: POSIX UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Intel MicroStack/1.0.1846
                ContainerLong: 0\UNIQUE-SEARCH\Artist / Album
              DIDL Cache Key: POSIX UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Intel MicroStack/1.0.1846 :: ::
              Adele: co199: 0\UNIQUE-SEARCH\Artist / Album\: (t_artist='567'): 
              <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/"><container id="co0BA64DFEDE16B42F" parentID="co2F6ED7E47B4B356D" restricted="0" searchable="1"><dc:title>Adele</dc:title><dc:creator> </dc:creator><upnp:artist></upnp:artist><upnp:genre>Pop</upnp:genre><upnp:albumArtURI dlna:profileID="JPEG_TN"></upnp:albumArtURI><upnp:class>object.container.album</upnp:class></container></DIDL-Lite>
               NumberReturned: 1 TotalMatches: 1 UpdateId: 61
              0 searchCriteria: upnp:class derivedfrom "object.container.person.musicArtist" and ((dc:title contains "adele"))
               Filter: dc:title,dc:date,upnp:artist,dc:creator,upnp:class,upnp:album,upnp:genre,upnp:albumArtURI,res,res@duration,res@reliability,upnp:originalTrackNumber,avega_media_server:media_library_database,container@searchable Start Idx: 0 Count: 100
              Search ContainerLong: 0\
              OnSearch Calling OnBrowseDirectChildren =======
              OnBrowseDirectChildren::object_id: co2F6ED7E47B4B356D  ControlPoint: POSIX UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Intel MicroStack/1.0.1846
                ContainerLong: 0\UNIQUE-SEARCH\Artist / Album
              DIDL Cache Key: POSIX UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50 Intel MicroStack/1.0.1846 :: ::
              Adele: co199: 0\UNIQUE-SEARCH\Artist / Album\: (t_artist='567'): 
              <DIDL-Lite xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:dlna="urn:schemas-dlna-org:metadata-1-0/"><container id="co0BA64DFEDE16B42F" parentID="co2F6ED7E47B4B356D" restricted="0" searchable="1"><dc:title>Adele</dc:title><dc:creator> </dc:creator><upnp:artist></upnp:artist><upnp:genre>Pop</upnp:genre><upnp:albumArtURI dlna:profileID="JPEG_TN"></upnp:albumArtURI><upnp:class>object.container.album</upnp:class></container></DIDL-Lite>
               NumberReturned: 1 TotalMatches: 1 UpdateId: 61
              I can search and also can 'press' 'adele' from the results to continue (search results barlight up) but results will not show and no logging of this procedure.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App

                Ok thanks, will check again when in this area.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App

                  There is no easy fix for this one, let me explain...

                  You search for Adele and it returns an entry 'Adele' which has the designation as '<upnp:class>object.container.album</upnp:class>' this is correct because if this Adele entry is clicked on it lists the Albums for Adele. Your Heos app is expecting us to return '<upnp:class>object.container.person.musicArtist</upnp:class>' which would be right if we returned only tracks when clicking on Adele, we do not though. If we change to the later, any control point would not display the album listings correctly.

                  Perhaps inform the HEOS creators their app is not functioning correctly (when we return .container.album) instead of going into that folder when clicked, it is going back into the container parent on the next browse, which is the search again.


                  • grimson

                    • Nov 2016
                    • 5

                    Re: Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App


                    I made a support request with a link to this topic, will post the outcome.


                    • kaled

                      • Sep 2013
                      • 31

                      Re: Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App

                      Hello there - I have also just updated to the latest version of Asset from the previous version. I've got the Heos system and on the last version this worked perfectly (for me) via both iOS and Android apps. With V5.2 I now have an issue with the Android browsing. Specifically when you navigate to the Asset music server you presented with the tree of 'Search'; 'Browse Folders'; Artists; Albums;Genres; Tracks - these appear to be generated by the Heos app and in order get the Asset browse tree you go to 'Browse Folders', which should reveal the full set of selections defined in the Asset settings. This works as intended on the iOS app, however, on the Android app it takes me to literally browse folders. So I see the actual folder structure of the the location in which my music is stored. This behavior has only revealed itself with the latest update. Any ideas?
                      Can someone also point me to the version log and download location of previous versions because I'd like to roll back until it is resolved.


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: Asset UPNP upgrade from v4.3 to v5.3 with HEOS iPhone App

                        This is not the issue previously reported, it sounds like a specific issue with the android app, have you reported to them? The root menu, we cannot get wrong, it is not possible.

