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QNAP Asset Help

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  • AndyP19

    • Apr 2016
    • 6

    QNAP Asset Help


    A few guys over at the Naim Forum (running Naim/QNAP/Asset kit) are hitting a similar issue.

    Essentially we make changes to an Artist or Artwork then run a 'rescan folders detecting changes' which sorts out a few minor changes but doesn't seem to cure all. So we run a Rescan All - the result of this is that it seems to randomly jumble up artists when viewed on the Naim streaming app. For example, going into the artist JJ Cale lists all the Lou Reed albums. Also, some changes to artwork still don't register.

    Only a reboot of the QNAP or in my case only a power down of all items (QNAP/Naim streamer/Restart Asset/Clear art and Upnp cache) seems to right everything - not sure which of the latter is doing the trick.

    Any one else had a similar issue - maybe the jumbling up of artists might be a place to start - any ideas? All the tagging has been doubled checked and in the above all the Lou Reed albums (as an example) show up not just a few.


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: QNAP Asset Help

    Try Asset R5 which is in the testing section of this forum.


    • AndyP19

      • Apr 2016
      • 6

      Re: QNAP Asset Help

      Thanks very much that has (so far so good) fixed it.

