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Indexing broken on Asset R4.7 on QNAP?

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  • zacbrown

    • Jul 2016
    • 4

    Indexing broken on Asset R4.7 on QNAP?


    I've been using Asset R4.7 for a couple weeks now, slowly adding more of my CD collection to my QNAP. Recently I've noticed when browsing to albums - specifically from the Album view - that it often goes to an entirely incorrect album.

    For example, the following chain: Asset->Album->'S'->'Stellaris Digital Soundtrack' results in taking me to Metallica's Master of Puppets album. Has this been seen before? I've tried rescanning the catalog which doesn't fix the issue - though it does result in taking me to a different incorrect album.

    I just now turned on debug logging and rescanned the library and it seems to be navigating correctly. But I'll have to add more CDs to see if it stays correct.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Indexing broken on Asset R4.7 on QNAP?

    You are potentially best trying R5 which is in the testing section of this forum, it has a total rewrite for indexing.


    • zacbrown

      • Jul 2016
      • 4

      Re: Indexing broken on Asset R4.7 on QNAP?

      Well at least initially, R5b7 seems happy. Indexing looks correct based on spot checking a few different albums. I'll play with it more today and report back in the beta thread for the release if I find weirdness.


