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Asset 5.1 problem with playying certain files

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  • stickymelon

    • Feb 2015
    • 8

    Asset 5.1 problem with playying certain files


    I have a problem with playing certain files thorugh my CA Stream Magic on Asset 5.1 (i dont recall havin the same issue with Asset 4+). Even within the same album, all ripped at one go, one track plays ok, other - "stalls" on my streamer.
    I'm struggling to find some pattern. Looks like an issue with short files (<1min) (mp3's, m4a's) although I've also got problems with certain albums (mp3)... If i use the same library using different media server, files works perfectly fine.

    During my research i discovered, that removing album art helps a bit - the playback starts, but after 20+ seconds instead of instantly.
    Im more than happy to help and provide all the required info info.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset 5.1 problem with playying certain files

    Try setting Asset to decode the files 'as wav' to see if helps.


    • stickymelon

      • Feb 2015
      • 8

      Re: Asset 5.1 problem with playying certain files

      i've got some hi-res files 24/96 in m4a so decoding to wav isn't an option. I made an experiment and set decoding to wav. It makes, that playback skips first 1-2s at file startup...

      Detting decoding to wav helped with stalling 'streamer', but makes something weird with some tracks - difficult to decribe, but parts of tracks repeat itself (as if there was some kind of retransmission in the network added to stream) - results in more or less scratched record syndrome... Same track without decoding plays ok. I coult try to record the outcome, if it would be any help.

      All and all not much luck with decoding to wave...


      • stickymelon

        • Feb 2015
        • 8

        Re: Asset 5.1 problem with playying certain files

        Further analysis of "decode as" anomaly shows signs of skipping instead of previously stated repeaitng segments of track. It looks like it is skipping ~1s segments of the track, without disturbing the track timer. It occurred on every decoding to option (decode to wav, pcm, even to mp3) - disabling decoding solves the problem.
        Short track playback problem still occurs.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Asset 5.1 problem with playying certain files

          I do not know what more to suggest, sorry.


          • stickymelon

            • Feb 2015
            • 8

            Re: Asset 5.1 problem with playying certain files

            Yep, thakns for all the help - if I fugure out what is going on I'll post the solution.


            • stickymelon

              • Feb 2015
              • 8

              Re: Asset 5.1 problem with playying certain files

              Reverting to Asset 4.1 resolved all playback problems (decoding issue still present). I'll stick to 4.1 for now...

