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Windows Media Player - The remote media library did not allow the connection

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  • Staxxx

    • Jul 2013
    • 22

    Windows Media Player - The remote media library did not allow the connection

    I am using a ReadyNAS 104 and can see the NAS and its contents via Windows Explorer and directly through Windows Media Player. However, when I try to access it through Asset uPnP I get the above error message and nothing shows up. Can someone guide me (in plain language) what I can do to rectify this.

    Also, as mentioned in a previous post. I am able to see about 1000 tracks via the Windows Media Player / NAS from a total of almost 50K. How should I address this. Thank you.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Windows Media Player - The remote media library did not allow the connection

    Where is Asset Running?


    • Staxxx

      • Jul 2013
      • 22

      Re: Windows Media Player - The remote media library did not allow the connection

      It is running on my PC. The NAS is connected to the router by ethernet and so is the PC. uPnP is enabled on the router.
      The above problem seems to be intermittent. But when I do see it it shows up about a hundred albums instead of the 1000s on the NAS. Thank you.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Windows Media Player - The remote media library did not allow the connection

        And sometimes it works normally, and shows 50,000 tracks?


        • Staxxx

          • Jul 2013
          • 22

          Re: Windows Media Player - The remote media library did not allow the connection

          Sometimes the scan as I monitor it through the uPNP Configuration panel continues through the pop-ups and gets to 50,000. At other times it stops at 28,500 or 40,000 etc.
          But in any case, I cannot access or see the vast majority of these scanned files through Windows Media Player (which I have as a default on my computer).
          Is there another player program that you recommend I buy to mitigate this issue?
          I was temporarily using this till the Naim Muso arrived. I hope I will be able to "see" and chose all the scanned tracks (50,000) via Asset uPnP with that machine's app. However, I have my doubts as I am unable to see those Asset scanned files now anyway....


          • mville
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2008
            • 4023

            Re: Windows Media Player - The remote media library did not allow the connection

            Isn't this thread related to this thread?:
            Hello. I just bought the Premium version of uPnP and have started a scan of my library. At some point through the scan I get a pop-up window as follows: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: uMediaLibrary-ReadTags.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 54d8d9c9 Fault Module

            If so, see my post number 14.


            • Staxxx

              • Jul 2013
              • 22

              Re: Windows Media Player - The remote media library did not allow the connection

              I had initially started two different threads as I assumed the problems were separate. One being, not being able to "see" the files that were showing in the Asset UPnP configuration process as scanned through Windows Media Player, and the other the fact that Asset PnP was stalling through the scanning process. However, I think, from your helpful posts, both these problems may be related.

