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Confusion in listed albums after listing all albums from an artist ...

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  • Martin0815

    • Jan 2005
    • 40

    Confusion in listed albums after listing all albums from an artist ...


    my configuration with this problem is:
    • QNAP TS-212P NAS
    • Android App BubbleUPNP with its most current version

    Here the steps I took to produce the problem:
    1. I selected the root tree node "artist/album"
    2. I selected the artist "various artists"
    3. I selected some DJ-Kicks albums and added them to the playlist
    4. I used the BubbleUPNP album menu to browse to all albums of the artist. Some albums are now shown.
    5. I went back to the tree root and selected "albums". The albums listed after step 4 are the only shown.

    Why suddenly only the few and not all albums from my 140'000 tracks database managed by Asset are shown in the normal, configured "[All ...], [A..], [B..]" list is not shown?

    And how to reset this, to get back to the configured listing?

    Best regards,

    Martin Lemburg
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Confusion in listed albums after listing all albums from an artist ...

    You would have to restart Asset, it sounds like a bug where the search is sticking in the browse.

