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Album order & composer display questions

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  • daren_p

    • Oct 2015
    • 9

    Album order & composer display questions

    Hello, I'm a new user to both dBpoweramp which I'm using for ripping my CD's & Asset which I have installed on my QNAP NAS. I had a couple questions which I wasn't 100% sure which software I should be looking at to make changes in (if possible). First question is in regards to how albums are displayed. I typically search my music (using a Simaudio 180 Mind as my network streamer/renderer), first by artist & then by album. Currently it looks like it places the albums in alphabetical order. What I'm wondering is if it would be able to sort the albums by chronological order of when the album was released?

    Next question is in regards to naming (again not sure if this relates to Asset or dBpoweramp). My naming settings are the default settings. What I've noticed, using my 180 Mind, if I create a queue/playlist & browse through the queue, it shows the track title & then under it will list the composer & artist. The majority of my albums are rock/indie rock, etc, when I ripped my CD's I left the metadata for composer as it is displayed for the album. Some were blank, some would be the producer or producers & some were the band. In this case, I don't mind the composer coming up in the list, but sometimes the composer/composer list is so long that the actual artist name doesn't get displayed, so looking through the queue, its not always easy to figure out who the song is by. So is it possible to have the artist shown before the composer (or if not, possibly eliminate composer from the display?).
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: Album order & composer display questions

    Originally posted by daren_p
    First question is in regards to how albums are displayed. I typically search my music (using a Simaudio 180 Mind as my network streamer/renderer), first by artist & then by album. Currently it looks like it places the albums in alphabetical order. What I'm wondering is if it would be able to sort the albums by chronological order of when the album was released?
    In Asset UPnP Configuration >> Advanced Settings >> Browse Tree
    Click the + next to the Artist / Album node. Then, change the Album node to Album by Release

    Originally posted by daren_p
    Next question is in regards to naming (again not sure if this relates to Asset or dBpoweramp). My naming settings are the default settings. What I've noticed, using my 180 Mind, if I create a queue/playlist & browse through the queue, it shows the track title & then under it will list the composer & artist. The majority of my albums are rock/indie rock, etc, when I ripped my CD's I left the metadata for composer as it is displayed for the album. Some were blank, some would be the producer or producers & some were the band. In this case, I don't mind the composer coming up in the list, but sometimes the composer/composer list is so long that the actual artist name doesn't get displayed, so looking through the queue, its not always easy to figure out who the song is by. So is it possible to have the artist shown before the composer (or if not, possibly eliminate composer from the display?).
    I'm not entirely sure because I don't use a Simaudio 180 Mind, but isn't this display issue related to how your Simaudio 180 Mind displays data (so check the Simaudio 180 Mind configuration options)?


    • daren_p

      • Oct 2015
      • 9

      Re: Album order & composer display questions

      Originally posted by mville
      In Asset UPnP Configuration >> Advanced Settings >> Browse Tree
      Click the + next to the Artist / Album node. Then, change the Album node to Album by Release

      I'm not entirely sure because I don't use a Simaudio 180 Mind, but isn't this display issue related to how your Simaudio 180 Mind displays data (so check the Simaudio 180 Mind configuration options)?

      Perfect, I'll give that a try. I assumed I might be able to change something in the naming tree to fix this but wasn't sure just what to change. Thanks for the info.

      It may very well be, I was wondering if the 180 might be the source of this, but it doesn't have any user configurable items related to displaying of metadata, so was hoping that something else was causing this. Maybe I'll just have to leave composer blank when ripping my CD's if I want to prevent this issue.....


      • daren_p

        • Oct 2015
        • 9

        Re: Album order & composer display questions

        Okay, made the change above to the tree & that did the trick, albums are now displayed by year, thanks. So now have a couple more questions related to this. Looks like it puts the newest albums at the top, is it possible to sort them with the oldest at the top? (not sure which way I prefer just curious if its possible). When browsing through the albums, I see it now also displays the year first, beside the album title. Is it possible to not have the year displayed? (or is this to do with the way my 180 Mind displays the info?)

        One more question, not specifically related but I've noticed the if I select artist/album & browse through the artist's, what tells it which album art to display for each artist? Reason being I don't see any trend as to what album is displayed, ie some are newest album, some are oldest, some are inbetween, & they don't seem to be shown based on alphabetic order either. From what I can tell, they just sort of seem to be random. Is there a setting to specify which album art you want displayed (ie newest album, etc).


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44843

          Re: Album order & composer display questions

          It is not possible to have oldest first.

          The first album scanned by a particular artist is used for the artist art.


          • daren_p

            • Oct 2015
            • 9

            Re: Album order & composer display questions

            Originally posted by Spoon

            The first album scanned by a particular artist is used for the artist art.
            Thanks for the reply, I thought that might be the case but all my CD's are in alphabetical order & then ordered by date & this is the order I rip them in. So, according to that, the oldest album should always show up, but that's not the case. I do rip them to my local hard drive & then transfer them to my NAS, could that have an effect?


            • mville
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Dec 2008
              • 4023

              Re: Album order & composer display questions

              Originally posted by Spoon
              The first album scanned by a particular artist is used for the artist art.
              When Asset scans an audio library, how is the scanning order determined?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44843

                Re: Album order & composer display questions

                Depends on file system.

