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track & artwork mismatch with latest asset version

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  • pjohann

    • Sep 2014
    • 19

    track & artwork mismatch with latest asset version

    Hi , after upgrading both Asset versions for Win 10 and QNAP (version 2024-08-08) I'm facing a severe problems. Using BubbleUPnP it shows the wrong CD covers aassociated with the music file. And that supprisingly also with a downgraded pxi resolution of the cover pictures. Pls, help resolving this issue, thx.
    Additionally: of course I've cross checked the tagging, - and they are all correctly showing the the proper CDs artwork/folder
  • simbun
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2021
    • 118

    I wouldn't have thought it's this - as it would be an indication of bigger issues - but have you tried clearing the BubbleUPnP cache?
    Settings > Library: Clear thumbnail cache


    • pjohann

      • Sep 2014
      • 19

      ... thx simbun, I did as you suggested and cleared Bubbleupnp's cache, - to no avail though.
      But in the meanwhile I've found the following: the faulty artwork association with the track files sesm to happen only, when music tracks of various/different CD-albums are located in the same directory. It doesn't happen to files of one and the same album only! in that directory. And this with the latest upgrade only! - the previous version had been running perfectly.
      If there's no solution I'd like to revert back to the older version!

      Kindly advise ...


      • GBrown
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Oct 2009
        • 355

        Are the covers embedded in each of these files or are you using some external image associated with each album. If these are all within the same
        folder Asset is likely associating the first image only for all other files in that same folder.

        Often directories are structured as Albumartist\Album\ Track-Title. I'm assuming this isn't the case here?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Check there is no folder.jpg in the folder


          • pjohann

            • Sep 2014
            • 19

            Originally posted by GBrown
            Are the covers embedded in each of these files or are you using some external image associated with each album. If these are all within the same
            folder Asset is likely associating the first image only for all other files in that same folder.

            Often directories are structured as Albumartist\Album\ Track-Title. I'm assuming this isn't the case here?
            ... well yes, they are structured in the same fashion on my HDD as you assumed, - this especially for directories which are dedicated to one CD/album only!
            Then I have for each playlist a dedicated directory filled with the repective music files (from various albums), - and yes, I keep within most of the folders the *.jpg's assosiated with the albums. And - as you again rightly guessed - the covers (*.jpg's) are all embedded within each of the files; so asset, when performing a rescan - is rebuilding the database mismatching the covers and files. - That's at least my guess ...
            What do you think? ...


            • pjohann

              • Sep 2014
              • 19

              Originally posted by Spoon
              Check there is no folder.jpg in the folder
              ... yes there are! - but named in this syntax only: "Artist - Album title.jpg"


              • simbun
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Apr 2021
                • 118

                Originally posted by pjohann
                ... well yes, they are structured in the same fashion on my HDD as you assumed, - this especially for directories which are dedicated to one CD/album only!
                Then I have for each playlist a dedicated directory filled with the repective music files (from various albums), - and yes, I keep within most of the folders the *.jpg's assosiated with the albums.
                Is there a reason you're not using the standard approach to create playlists, that of m3u/m3u8? With this approach you wouldn't need to duplicate tracks (assuming they're already part of your indexed collection) and the artwork will be inherited from the source album.

                A m3u/m3u8 playlist is just a text file containing the locations of the tracks you want included e.g.



                • GBrown
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Oct 2009
                  • 355

                  Originally posted by pjohann
                  ...I keep within most of the folders the *.jpg's assosiated with the albums. And - as you again rightly guessed - the covers (*.jpg's) are all embedded within each of the files; ...
                  This may have something to do with the problem you are seeing. But to be clear, embedded covers in the music file are not the same as having a separate cover.jpg file located in the same directory. If you only use embedded covers, these should always stay associated with the song. Separate image files regardless of your naming structure run the risk of having issues especially when there is more than one image in a single folder.


                  • PeterP
                    Super Moderator
                    • Jul 2011
                    • 1498

                    Thanks for the problem report.
                    New version of Asset UPnP reverts this change, embedded covers are again preferred over external.


                    • simbun
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Apr 2021
                      • 118

                      Originally posted by PeterP
                      Thanks for the problem report.
                      New version of Asset UPnP reverts this change, embedded covers are again preferred over external.
                      Are the artwork naming conventions and priority documented anywhere e.g. embedded > {folder.jpg|cover.jpg} e.t.c.


                      • pjohann

                        • Sep 2014
                        • 19

                        Originally posted by PeterP
                        Thanks for the problem report.
                        New version of Asset UPnP reverts this change, embedded covers are again preferred over external.
                        Hi PeterP, thx, this sounds promising. Does it mean, that I have to download Asset again?! and is it already available from the home page? - Pls. kindly confirm ...

                        Anyway, I'm using Asset already for 10 years, following all the upgrades, and never have had to face this problem


                        • pjohann

                          • Sep 2014
                          • 19

                          Originally posted by simbun

                          Is there a reason you're not using the standard approach to create playlists, that of m3u/m3u8? With this approach you wouldn't need to duplicate tracks (assuming they're already part of your indexed collection) and the artwork will be inherited from the source album.

                          A m3u/m3u8 playlist is just a text file containing the locations of the tracks you want included e.g.

                          ... no Simbun, sorry for me being not clear enough on this! And yeah, I'm aware of the standard approach to create playlists, via m3u/m3u8, indeed I use foobar therefor. But for conveniance reasons I additionally keep the files associated with these playlist in a seperate folder, just for in case the corresponding *.m3u file gets lost. I also don't keep the files duplicated, but in the original 'CD-folder' is just a shortcut file kept


                          • pjohann

                            • Sep 2014
                            • 19

                            Originally posted by GBrown
                            This may have something to do with the problem you are seeing. But to be clear, embedded covers in the music file are not the same as having a separate cover.jpg file located in the same directory. If you only use embedded covers, these should always stay associated with the song. Separate image files regardless of your naming structure run the risk of having issues especially when there is more than one image in a single folder.
                            ... also aware of this fact GBrown, but as mentioned above I'm using Asset already for 10 years, following all the upgrades, and never have run into this problem. Addtionall & funnily: The current version of asset will be mixing up covers also if there aren't any *.jpg files in the folder with tracks from diffrent CDs.


                            • pjohann

                              • Sep 2014
                              • 19

                              ... interestingly further: some of the misallocated covers are pixelwise downgraded, though the enbedded covers are highly pixeled. This phenomena indicates to me, that Asset is assigning new covers from/via the internet ...

