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can't access my music

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  • Lucky Larue
    Re: can't access my music

    Yes, I have Asset UPnp. It came with the purchase from dbpoweramp. When I am go to Asset all the folders are empty.

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  • Spoon
    Re: can't access my music

    dBpoweramp only writes audio tracks, it would never delete existing audio tracks.

    You would have a UPnP server which is sending the audio to the naim, we have our own 'Asset UPnP', clarify you are using this.

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  • Lucky Larue
    started a topic can't access my music

    can't access my music

    I recently purchased a ND5XS. I downloaded the free trial of the dppoweramp, although I've now purchased it. When I ripped my first 20 or 30 cds, everything worked great and I was listening to music. But then I tried to get fancy and changed some settings in--gawd, somewhere, which led to losing all my music on my Naim app. So I uninstalled the dppoweramp and purchased it. My music is still on my computer--in music--but I can't get anything back on my Naim app to play it. Somehow the app isn't accessing my computer files. Any thoughts? As you might guess, I'm just learning my way around computer audio.