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Playlist formats/questions

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  • kaum

    • Jan 2015
    • 16

    Playlist formats/questions

    Hi, I have a short question on Asset 5.1. I would like to create playlists with Foobar that also can be used with Asset. Would it be possible to implement a support for the fpl-Format in Asset?
    And second: In Foobar I saved a playlist as .m3u8 - this playlist appears twice in the Asset playlist directory
    Saving it as .m3u everything works as expected...

    P.S.: Anyway, is it a problem if the playlist directory is in the same directory as the music? I have not discovered anything problematic yet, but maybe you know more and would not recommend it...
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44842

    Re: Playlist formats/questions

    The first listing of playlists is simply a find of *.m3u8 and *.m3u, if the item is listed 2 times, check you do not have both a ,m3u and m3u8 in the same folder.

    There are no issues using the location you are.

