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Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

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  • Berthold

    • Jul 2015
    • 10

    Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

    in the last days I upgraded my WHS Server from Asset V4.3 up to V5.0.
    Everything works fine with one exception: I guess the counting of the amount of Albums is wrong.
    When I copy the following CD´s to my Server

    Hank Jones

    Johnny Smith

    the amount of Albums will increase not by 3 (which is my expectation) but only by 2.
    The 2. Directory from the Jones CD is ignored by the counting of Albums by asset.
    Any hints?
    Thanks in advance, Berthold
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

    What are both albums called?


    • Berthold

      • Jul 2015
      • 10

      Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums


      this was just an example.
      But here are real names :
      Byas Don
      In Baden 67
      The Savoy Sessions
      Stitt Sonny
      The Prestige Masters
      "Byas Don" is a subdirectory of "Jazz" and "In Baden 67" is a subdirectory of "Byas Don"
      Will this help?


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4023

        Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

        Originally posted by Berthold
        When I copy the following CD´s to my Server

        Hank Jones

        Johnny Smith

        the amount of Albums will increase not by 3 (which is my expectation) but only by 2.
        Probably because Hank Jones (CD1 and CD2) is 1 album and Johnny Smith (CD1) is 1 album (1+1=2).


        • Berthold

          • Jul 2015
          • 10

          Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

          CD1 or CD2 are just example names, but These are 2 seperate CD´s or Albums.
          Why should they be handled as one Album by asset?
          or the other way round, Í´d like to have These as 2 Albums.
          What should I do that asset handles them as 2 seperate Albums?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

            Have you tried to browse to this album to see how it appears?


            • sjbabbey
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Apr 2014
              • 69

              Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

              Asset will use tag data to determine the number of albums so if your CD1 and CD2 have the same album name then Asset will treat them as a single album even though the audio files may be in different folders. If you want to have them treated as separate albums you should simply add "CD1" and "CD2" to the album name tags.


              • Berthold

                • Jul 2015
                • 10

                Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

                Yes, I´ve done this. The Album itself is there andcan be streamed.
                It´s just about the counting of the amount of Albums/cd´s


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

                  How does this album appear when you browse? as 2 albums or all the tracks are listed together as one album?


                  • mville
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Dec 2008
                    • 4023

                    Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

                    Originally posted by Berthold
                    Yes, I´ve done this. The Album itself is there andcan be streamed.
                    It´s just about the counting of the amount of Albums/cd´s
                    When you say 'Yes, I´ve done this', what are you referring to, what is it you have done?


                    • Berthold

                      • Jul 2015
                      • 10

                      Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

                      Originally posted by Spoon
                      How does this album appear when you browse? as 2 albums or all the tracks are listed together as one album?
                      the Albums are appearing as 2 different albums


                      • Berthold

                        • Jul 2015
                        • 10

                        Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

                        Originally posted by mville
                        When you say 'Yes, I´ve done this', what are you referring to, what is it you have done?
                        Sorry, this is an answer to Spoon´s question
                        But I`m missing my answer to your post.....:-(((


                        • Berthold

                          • Jul 2015
                          • 10

                          Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

                          Originally posted by sjbabbey
                          Asset will use tag data to determine the number of albums so if your CD1 and CD2 have the same album name then Asset will treat them as a single album even though the audio files may be in different folders. If you want to have them treated as separate albums you should simply add "CD1" and "CD2" to the album name tags.
                          I´m using the same string to name the directories as I´m using to name the tags - so the Albums have different names also in the tags.
                          For me the problem is not with the naming of the directories or the tags - as I´m using the same string to build up the Directory Name and the tags.
                          I thought that Asset will use tag data to determine the number of albums - but please which tag is used here?
                          Is it "Discnumber"? Every album has the tag Discnumber with value = 1 within my collection


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44844

                            Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

                            If the album has a different name then that is ok, try a refresh all of the database.


                            • Berthold

                              • Jul 2015
                              • 10

                              Re: Asset V5 Wrong amount of albums

                              Originally posted by Spoon
                              If the album has a different name then that is ok, try a refresh all of the database.
                              Hello Spoon,
                              I´ve done a refresh all of the database - but nothing changed, the amount is the same as before, which means the amount is wrong.
                              Btw, as I upgraded the Asset from V4.3 to V5 the amount of the albums was different with each version. In version V4.3 Some more albums are counted by asset.
                              Any more idea´s?

