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Help with straming to oppo bdp-105

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  • petertg

    • May 2015
    • 2

    Help with straming to oppo bdp-105

    I am trying to stream aiff, flac and wav files to an oppo bdp-105. The files play for a few seconds then skip to the next track or no sound comes out at all. How can I fix this?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Help with straming to oppo bdp-105

    Does any file type (such as mp3) play?


    • petertg

      • May 2015
      • 2

      Re: Help with straming to oppo bdp-105

      This happens with all file types. I posted on the oppo site and was advised to try another music server. Of course they blamed it on the asset server software mentioning something about timeouts. I am now using minimserver which works fine but I wanted to use asset server since I paid for it and it has more features. BTW I am running it on an imac.


      • PeterP
        Super Moderator
        • Jul 2011
        • 1498

        Re: Help with straming to oppo bdp-105

        Thanks for your feedback.

        Potential solution to the problem:
        Open Asset configuration, under "Audio Format Streaming", try different streaming options for the formats you're streaming; perhaps at least one (such as LPCM) will work with your unit.

        If the above fails, there's a couple of things we'd like to know in order to troubleshoot this:
        • Any other software (control point, iPad app or alike) used to control playback?
        • Asset UPnP version? Please make sure you're on the latest & greatest R4.5 on the mac
        • Security / antivirus software installed on the mac potentially blocking Asset from working?
        • Can you try Asset UPnP on another machine (can be Windows or Linux trial version) to see if it works?

