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Album cover picture embedded in song?

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  • g725s

    • Jul 2010
    • 5

    Album cover picture embedded in song?

    I notice that when I play a song if I have my HDTV on, an older Samsung LED, that on some songs the album cover shows on a few songs that I have. Most songs show no picture at all though.

    FYI, All my audio files are FLAC. I do have cover.jpg in some of my folders but no picture of the album cover will show on my HDTV screen if it is in the folder like this.

    Using my Onkyo app on my phone the cover.jpg will show on my phone though.

    Would the album cover picture showing on my HDTV during a song be because the album cover picture is embedded in the song itself?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Album cover picture embedded in song?

    Most likely yes.

