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Album Artist Sort Handling ?

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  • dherben

    • Mar 2015
    • 3

    Album Artist Sort Handling ?


    I'm switching my music library from Plex Media Server to Asset R4.4 Debian x64 on ubuntu linux (big improvement, thanks a lot!). I've been mostly able to get it to do what I want, except for one thing. Artist Sort handling seems to be completely broken in my install. Whatever configuration I choose, the different sort tags are completely ignored, e.g. Gerry Rafferty appears under G, and never under R. I hope that you can help me out. Here is the debugging that I have already done:
    • I have tried with flac (ogg vorbis comments) and mp3 with id3v2.3 and id3v2.4. I have also tried deleting the id3v1 tag from the files.
    • Artist, artistsort, artistsortorder, albumartist, albumartistsort and albumartistsortorder tags are present and identical for a given artist.
    • I have tried each of the settings for Artist Sort handling, the result is identical
    • I have checked under different tree configurations: Album Artist / Album, Album Artist, Artist / Album, Artist, with or without A-Z listing
    • I have restored the default settings by removing my ~/.dBpoweramp directory
    • I have tested with and without 'Combine Duplicate & Similar Artists'
    • I have tried disabling all appending options for track numbers etc
    • I have tried different configs for the multi-disc options
    • I have tried with and without 'Contributing Artists with Main Artists'. This should not matter, I don't have any contributing artists in my test library
    • I have tried with the BubbleUPnP control point, the Windows 8 built-in UPnP browser, the 'djmount' linux app, and my Denon CEOL N9 built-in browser
    • I have tried with 'The' handling on Smart, and Leave as is. 'The' artists (but not album artists, is this not implemented?) are correctly resorted according to the specified settings
    • I have looked at the SQLite database. t_artist has the unsorted value in 'storedvalue', but 'sortvalue' is empty for all. Should have done this first, would have saved me a lot of time. In the uMediaTable, t_artist and t_album_s_artist reference the correct row, the related 1,2,3 fields are 0
    • When doing a rescan all, the debug Library log mentions the 'adding new track', counting tracks, combining artists, and detecting split compilation albums steps, nothing about sorts, and no errors.
    • I have of course done many, many rescan alls...

    Anything else I can try? I'll try to attach my config dump

    Thanks in advance,

    Attached Files
    Last edited by dherben; March 09, 2015, 11:58 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Album Artist Sort Handling ?

    For your flac files, you need:

    Artist Sort



    • dherben

      • Mar 2015
      • 3

      Re: Album Artist Sort Handling ?

      Hi Spoon,

      Thanks for the quick reply. Setting an Artist Sort tag seems to set things in motion. I seem to need it also on MP3s, though: TXXX (artistsort) is ignored, TXXX (Artist Sort) is used.

      When I add this Artist Sort flag, and set the 'Artist Sort' handling to both sorted and unsorted locations, everything works as expected under Artist/Album: Gerry rafferty (flac) show up under G and R, An Pierle (mp3) shows up under A and P.
      Things are not so great in the Album Artist/Album tree though: there, Gerry Rafferty shows up only under R, not G, and An Pierle likewise can be found only under P.

      When I set Artist Sort Handling to ignore, they show up under G and A, respectively, in both trees, which is as expected.

      The AlbumArtist seems to use the sorting it finds from the Artist Sort tag, but seems to not obey the 'Artist Sort handling' setting completely.

      There also still seems to be a problem with 'The' artists. The Dubliners, with Artist Sort = Dubliners, The, ONLY show up under D in Artist/Album, not under T, with the 'The' handling setting set on 'Leave as is'

      Lastly, I can't find any tag name that will work for Album Artist sorting (i.e. sorting will not work for an Album Artist which does not exist as an Artist)

      Any thoughts?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Album Artist Sort Handling ?

        The is always removed from sorting, even with no artist sort.

        There is an option in the configuration which specifies 'The ' handling.

        I will note the issue on Album Artist not applying the same as 'Artist'


        • dherben

          • Mar 2015
          • 3

          Re: Album Artist Sort Handling ?

          Ok, thanks a lot. Your responsiveness on these forums is really great. Keep up the good work.

          Looking forward to a fix for the Album Artist sorting. For now, I'll disable sorting and set 'The' handling to smart. Better to have things consistent for Artist and Album Artist

          Once again, kudos on a nice piece of software.


          • Bart001

            • Mar 2015
            • 14

            Re: Album Artist Sort Handling ?

            Originally posted by Spoon
            For your flac files, you need:

            Artist Sort

            Is this the same as Artist Sort Handling - Use Sort To Order Display??

            (I'm brand new to Asset and installed the trial version on my QNAP HS-251; using with Naim players and the Naim App for iOS. Trying to get my settings optimal for display on the Naim App)


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Album Artist Sort Handling ?


