Hi there! Hoping somebody might be able to point me in the right direction here...
I recently switched from Windows Asset to Linux, as I don't have a Windows home server any more. A new problem has cropped up since making the switch. Asset is conflating albums of the same name regardless of Artist when played through a Roku Soundbridge. Instead, it only plays whatever was the first album loaded into the playlist - and this behaviour remains the same in both Artist > Album view and just plain Album view. So, for example...
Aerosmith > Greatest Hits
David Lee Roth > Greatest Hits
Survivor > Greatest Hits
...all play just the Survivor compilation. There's no way I can access the Aerosmith or Diamond Dave compilations through the Soundbridge any more, even though the files are on the server.
Screenshots of my current config attached. Thanks in advance!
I recently switched from Windows Asset to Linux, as I don't have a Windows home server any more. A new problem has cropped up since making the switch. Asset is conflating albums of the same name regardless of Artist when played through a Roku Soundbridge. Instead, it only plays whatever was the first album loaded into the playlist - and this behaviour remains the same in both Artist > Album view and just plain Album view. So, for example...
Aerosmith > Greatest Hits
David Lee Roth > Greatest Hits
Survivor > Greatest Hits
...all play just the Survivor compilation. There's no way I can access the Aerosmith or Diamond Dave compilations through the Soundbridge any more, even though the files are on the server.
Screenshots of my current config attached. Thanks in advance!