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Looking for DSD testers

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Looking for DSD testers

    I am looking for people who use the Windows version of Asset and have a device that can play DSD through UPnP streaming (either DoP or dff / dsf streaming).

    Contact me here please:

    Stating what the device is and which DSD type it can stream.
  • Kal Rubinson

    • Mar 2015
    • 2

    Re: Looking for DSD testers

    Originally posted by Spoon
    I am looking for people who use the Windows version of Asset and have a device that can play DSD through UPnP streaming (either DoP or dff / dsf streaming).

    Contact me here please:

    Stating what the device is and which DSD type it can stream.
    Link fails. I have Oppos now and a NADAC on the way. The latter can handle up to 4xDSD and DXD.



    • simes_pep
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Dec 2013
      • 297

      Re: Looking for DSD testers

      Given I now have a Naim player with the Beta firmware that supports native DSD playback from dsf/dff files, happy to test Asset's support.

      Will download the Windows version and run it on my laptop, but it won't be part of my main playback system, until Asset R5 is on the RPi.

      Player is a Naim ND5XS which supports DSD64



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Looking for DSD testers

        Asset R5 with DSD is in testing in the testing section of this forum.


        • simes_pep
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Dec 2013
          • 297

          Re: Looking for DSD testers

          Originally posted by simes_pep
          Given I now have a Naim player with the Beta firmware that supports native DSD playback from dsf/dff files, happy to test Asset's support.

          Will download the Windows version and run it on my laptop, but it won't be part of my main playback system, until Asset R5 is on the RPi.

          Player is a Naim ND5XS which supports DSD64


          I have just installed the Asset R5 Beta 6 for Windows, on my Win7 Laptop, and scanned the NAS directory with some DSD files.

          I am able to stream DSD64 files in both native .dsf and .dff formats to the Naim ND5XS player running the 4.1.39 Beta firmware.

          Some DSD128 and DSD256 files I have are detected by the UPnP server, but when served to the Naim player, don't play, as the Beta Firmware only supports native DSD64 (i.e. 1 bit @ 2.8224MHz)

          I am also able to transcode the .dsf/.dff formats as DOP. The DSD64 are fine, but DSD128 and DSD256 don't play.

          I am also able to transcode the .dsf/.dff formats as WAV - with the DSD files being served as 96KHz WAV regardless whether DSD64, DSD128 or DSD256 formats.

          My laptop, running the UPnP server is connecting over WiFi (802.11n 2.4GHz) network, however the rest of the connections are wired ethernet i.e. the ND5XS is connected over a wired network and the NAS being used, an old NSLU2, with USB2.0 1TB HDD mounted, is wired.

          The DSD64 streams fine without any buffering when there is strong WiFi signal (130Mbps), but understandably has issues when the WiFi is weaker.
          The transcoded DSD128 and DSD256 do suffer buffering, so probably need to on a wired platform - but given that a single DSD256 track is 1GB in size, it can be forgiven. The album of 10 tracks is 11GB in total.

          Is there any other testing you need?

          Many thanks,


          • dbfan
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Jan 2011
            • 937

            Re: Looking for DSD testers

            for DOP only 64 is supported. Thanks for your testing, it confirms everything works as should.


            • simes_pep
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Dec 2013
              • 297

              Re: Looking for DSD testers

              Originally posted by mrspoonsi
              for DOP only 64 is supported. Thanks for your testing, it confirms everything works as should.
              No problem - glad to help with the testing of Asset R5 for Windows and the Naim firmware.



              • simes_pep
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Dec 2013
                • 297

                Re: Looking for DSD testers

                Originally posted by simes_pep
                No problem - glad to help with the testing of Asset R5 for Windows and the Naim firmware.

                Ok, so can I convert the DSD128 to DSD256 to DSD64?



                • simes_pep
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Dec 2013
                  • 297

                  Re: Looking for DSD testers

                  Originally posted by simes_pep
                  Ok, so can I convert the DSD128 to DSD256 to DSD64?

                  Or convert .dff files to .dsf so I can add metadata?



                  • simes_pep
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • Dec 2013
                    • 297

                    Re: Looking for DSD testers

                    Originally posted by simes_pep
                    Ok, so can I convert the DSD128 to DSD256 to DSD64?

                    Sorry, that how can I convert DSD128 to DSD64 and DSD256 to DSD64?



                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44844

                      Re: Looking for DSD testers

                      I do not know how you can.


                      • simes_pep
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Dec 2013
                        • 297

                        Re: Looking for DSD testers

                        Originally posted by Spoon
                        I do not know how you can.
                        I have found a tool that can convert DSD version and formats.

                        In Merging Technologies Pyramix suite there is a stand-alone utility called MTDSDConvertor which allows for the conversion of individual DSD files. It is able to:
                        1. Down-sample DSD versions both DSD256 to DSD128, DSD128 to DSD64, DSD256 to DSD64
                        2. Convert .dff to .dsf formats, given that the .dsf gives the ability to add metadata to the DSD files for management by UPnP servers and association of Album Artwork so these can be presented by a UPnP controller

                        Perhaps dbPoweramp could enter in an arrangement with Merging Technologies, who are focused on Pro-Audio Studio Mastering Suites, and not the Consumer Audio market, for the distribution of this Convertor as part of your suite of tools.

                        However you may need to add the ability to support the conversion of multiple files within folders, however I imagine you just need the DSD processing engine for the conversion processing.



                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44844

                          Re: Looking for DSD testers

                          I wonder how it does it, because DSD is noisy at the high frequencies, it perhaps would make no difference if decimation was used to reduce the sample rate.


                          • simes_pep
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Dec 2013
                            • 297

                            Re: Looking for DSD testers

                            Originally posted by Spoon
                            I wonder how it does it, because DSD is noisy at the high frequencies, it perhaps would make no difference if decimation was used to reduce the sample rate.
                            Don't know that, but last evening I was able to convert Volume 1 of Sophisticated Lady's Jazz Quartet, which was supplied in DSD256 in DFF format to DSD64, plus convert to DSF format so that I could apply the metadata with dBPoweramp/mp3tag etc. and scan/serve it through Asset R5 on Windows (which I am using just for DSD files, alongside Asset R4 on RPi for all other formats) and play the converted DSD64 files on the Naim player.
                            I had also converted the DSD256 to FLAC, using Foobar2000 and the SACD plugin, converting them to 24/176.4 and they compared well. The native DSD plays a little quieter, as I set the SACD plugin to apply a +3dB to the converted files, but no additional noise on the DSD64 files.

                            Give them a shout, I was Emailing a Patrick Greppi (

                            Merging Technologies
                            Le Verney 4
                            CH-1070 Puidoux
                            Tel: +41 21 946 04 44
                            Fax: +41 21 946 04 45
                            Cell: +41 79 327 62 78

                            I am keeping the DSD256 files at well, as who knows what we will be able to play next!



                            • PaulDSD

                              • May 2014
                              • 35

                              Re: Looking for DSD testers

                              Alas. I am a heavy DSD user but only MAC and Linux setups.

