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Is QNAP RAM adequate.

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  • JEM2

    • Dec 2013
    • 20

    Is QNAP RAM adequate.

    Hi. I have a large collection of classical music albums (285) on my QNAP TS-412. I am using a Raspberry Pi with ASSET Premium. The system has started to become flaky and it has been suggested that the Pi is running out of RAM.
    I note that you now supply a *19 ASSET program that would be suitable for my QNAP TS-412. Given that my QNAP I understand from the net has only 286MB of RAM and 57% of the RAM is currently used if I were to install ASSET would it support a large and increasing music library please?
  • dbfan
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Jan 2011
    • 937

    Re: Is QNAP RAM adequate.

    Describe flaky.

    The pi has twice as much memory as the qnap. How many tracks do you have exactly?


    • JEM2

      • Dec 2013
      • 20

      Re: Is QNAP RAM adequate.

      Pi has become unreliable as I have added albums recently.

      To explain, if I add a new album and start a scan for changes or a scan all Pi has started going off line and I loose the count of tracks and albums. If I click on a Restart Asset there is no response. If I de power the Pi, wait and re power it will only occasionally boot. When booted as it is now I can stream music reliably. I have no playlists as they automatically fill with 500 tracks.

      I have 3371 tracks.


      • PeterP
        Super Moderator
        • Jul 2011
        • 1498

        Re: Is QNAP RAM adequate.

        The next Asset update for all Linux targets will contain memory use optimizations.

        However 3371 tracks isn't THAT bad, my worst-case test setup is QNAP TS-109 ( CPU speed close to the Raspberry Pi, 256 MB RAM ) with over 10000 tracks, nothing particularly horrible going on, it's slow but mainly due to the CPU and everything finishes within reasonable timeframes.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44843

          Re: Is QNAP RAM adequate.

          >If I de power the Pi, wait and re power it will only occasionally boot.

          This suggests the Pi its self is not healthy.


          • PeterP
            Super Moderator
            • Jul 2011
            • 1498

            Re: Is QNAP RAM adequate.

            Originally posted by Spoon
            >If I de power the Pi, wait and re power it will only occasionally boot.

            This suggests the Pi its self is not healthy.
            .. that or your SD card isn't healthy.


            • JEM2

              • Dec 2013
              • 20

              Re: Is QNAP RAM adequate.

              OK. I accept that the Pi could well be not healthy. So I have stopped making any changes and so far I can still listen to music.

              My key question is if I install ASSET on my QNAP TS 412 can I expect it to handle a large and increasing album library please. I am happy to do this and remove the complication of the Pi provided I can expect the change to be successful.



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44843

                Re: Is QNAP RAM adequate.

                With your number of tracks, it should be fine on the QNAP, for me a large number of tracks is 60,000


                • JEM2

                  • Dec 2013
                  • 20

                  Re: Is QNAP RAM adequate.

                  I purchased and downloaded *19 QNAP app, thanks. On following the instructions the file failed to install at the install step with the following notification "Update failure:File format error". Please advise what I might do next. Thanks


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44843

                    Re: Is QNAP RAM adequate.

                    Delete this install file, clear your internet cache and redownload, it suggests you only have part of the file downloaded.


                    • JEM2

                      • Dec 2013
                      • 20

                      Re: Is QNAP RAM adequate.

                      It worked a treat. Asset Premium loaded on QNAP all working well except playlists. Thanks. I will start a new Thread on Playlists for clarity.

