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Artwork subfolder - Multiple genres - HDCD - Pre-emphasis

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  • zlentrian

    • Dec 2014
    • 15

    Re: Artwork subfolder - Multiple genres - HDCD - Pre-emphasis

    Thanks for your concise explanation! I will try LMS out. Even though I like Asset, it lacks these features that LMS support:

    Artwork subfolder
    Compilations not polluting the Artist listing
    Browsable compilations listing

    The third one might be possible with some tinkering, but I haven't figured out how to do it.

    Sidenote: Spoon & ********* are still playing their silent game with me. I cannot really understand why.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Artwork subfolder - Multiple genres - HDCD - Pre-emphasis

      There is no option to remove compilation artists from the artist listing, as mentioned in post 2, this is what Album Artist is designed for.


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: Artwork subfolder - Multiple genres - HDCD - Pre-emphasis

        Originally posted by zlentrian
        Thanks for your concise explanation! I will try LMS out. Even though I like Asset, it lacks these features that LMS support:

        Artwork subfolder
        Compilations not polluting the Artist listing
        Browsable compilations listing

        The third one might be possible with some tinkering, but I haven't figured out how to do it.

        Sidenote: Spoon & ********* are still playing their silent game with me. I cannot really understand why.
        do keep in mind that

        (1) using LMS to play to DLNA/upnp devices is NOT plug and play. Some work is required to set things up. Not currently for the non tech-savvy as LMS wasn't DESIGNED for this purpose.
        (2) using LMS to play to computers/micro computers that have Squeezelite installed (and thus function as network music players) is much easier, but still requires a bit of tinkering
        (3) if you want simple, pick up a Squeezebox Touch on ebay. Load LMS on a computer or NAS on your local network and let it scan your music files. Then Connect the TOUCH to your stereo via analog outs or digital outs (s/pdif coax or optical) and back to your network via Wifi or ethernet. And this is very easy, plug and play.

