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Asset UPnP and UnRaid 6

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  • Will_T

    • Dec 2014
    • 4

    Asset UPnP and UnRaid 6

    I installed Asset UPnP on my unraid 6 box about a month back and I've been very happy with it. I used the guide here -
    Yesterday, I reboot my server and I surprised to discover that my entire Asset installation had disappeared.
    Not being familiar with Linux, I did a bit of googling and discovered that the /usr/bin directory (including my /usr/bin/asset directory) was stored in RAM and refreshed on reboot. So, I decided to move the installation to a /mnt location on the hard drive and although it now doesn't disappear, the database and config is missing on reboot so I need to enter in my settings again and do a full scan.
    So, I'm not entirely sure where to go next.
    Anyone give me any pointers on this? I appreciate unRaid 6 is still beta software so I'm not sure if that's part of the issue.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Asset UPnP and UnRaid 6


    should never disappear on reboot, it is as though this Linux is in a mode where a reboot resets it to the state it was in prior to the last reboot, this is not normal.


    • Will_T

      • Dec 2014
      • 4

      Re: Asset UPnP and UnRaid 6

      Originally posted by Spoon

      should never disappear on reboot, it is as though this Linux is in a mode where a reboot resets it to the state it was in prior to the last reboot, this is not normal.
      ok, thanks. I'll take it to the unRaid forum. Even if I create a test folder i.e. /usr/bin/test1, this disappears as well.

