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Every track listed twice on PlugPlayer controller

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  • IDM

    • Oct 2014
    • 8

    Every track listed twice on PlugPlayer controller

    After a bit of basic advice I have been successful in getting Asset to run on a Raspberry Pi and control it using Plug Player. However, when I looking at the tracks on Plug Player every track on each album is listed twice. When you play an album they are played twice!

    I tried disconnecting the hard drive from the Pi and plugging it into my Windows laptop and looking at the folders. When I do this I can only see single copies of the files.

    This may have been covered before but is there some basic advice as to what I should look at to stop this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Every track listed twice on PlugPlayer controller

    For them to be listed twice these files must either be duplicated on the HDD, or you have the library location listed twice on the Asset configuration page.


    • IDM

      • Oct 2014
      • 8

      Re: Every track listed twice on PlugPlayer controller

      Thanks Spoon. This problem was very interesting. I tried disconnecting the HDD from the raspberry Pi and connecting to my windows PC, I then deleted all the albums and recopied all the music back to the HDD. Once this was done I reconnected to the raspberry pi and rebooted and forced Asset to do a full update. When I then checked on PlugPlayer I had three copies of every track!

      The only way I got this to work was to disconnect the HDD again and reformat it (NTFS) when attached to the windows PC and then re-copy the music and then reconnect to the raspberry pi and get Asset to recompile all the music. When this was done Plugplayer found single copies of all the tracks.

      I can only assume that there is a major difference in how the different operating systems 'see' deleted items.

      Thanks for your help

