I am currently running Asset on OSX Mavericks and would like to upgrade to Yosemite. Can anybody tell me if Asset works ok with Yosemite before I take the plunge?
Asset UPnP and Mac OSX Yosemite
Re: Asset UPnP and Mac OSX Yosemite
I installed Yosemite on 4 Macs (iMac, Macbook Air, 2 Mac minis) right on the first day of general public availabiliy. I run native OSX Asset on my latest Mac mini and occasionally the Win version under Win 7 on a virtual machine of VMware 5.
Needless to say that Asset UPNP 4.3 (both versions are registered) runs rock solid under both environments. Seems that even a "refresh all" runs remarkably faster than on Mavericks.