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How to Edit Album and Track Titles so Asset Detects the Changes?????

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  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: How to Edit Album and Track Titles so Asset Detects the Changes?????

    It could be that Windows cannot put the correct extension on the filename if it is too long (and editing in Windows Explorer).


    • Tom Swaman
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Oct 2011
      • 258

      Re: How to Edit Album and Track Titles so Asset Detects the Changes?????


      I just did this again and I navigated, as I think you said through Windows explorer, the C drive, etc. I do get to the file name folder, but I do not see anything like flac, FLAC or a file extension. What am I missing?

      I am truly sorry to be so darn ignorant/helpless.

      Best regards,



      • Tom Swaman
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Oct 2011
        • 258

        Re: How to Edit Album and Track Titles so Asset Detects the Changes?????


        I will make a folder copy and edit the files as you suggest on the copy and we shall see what happens when I accept the name change. Yes, I always do a rescan in Asset and you are correct.

        Thanks and more son,



        • garym
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2007
          • 5936

          Re: How to Edit Album and Track Titles so Asset Detects the Changes?????

          Originally posted by Tom Swaman

          I just did this again and I navigated, as I think you said through Windows explorer, the C drive, etc. I do get to the file name folder, but I do not see anything like flac, FLAC or a file extension. What am I missing?

          I am truly sorry to be so darn ignorant/helpless.

          Best regards,

          I'm assuming you have flac files. But could be .wav, .mp3, .m4a, .flac, etc. depending on the kind of files. In windows explorer, upper right side, you have the options of choosing view method, and I always choose "details" as this shows file name, extention, date modified, etc. Also note, that you won't see the extension when you look at folders or subfolders. Only when you open the folders and see the actual music files will you see the filenames and extensions.


          • sjbabbey
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Apr 2014
            • 69

            Re: How to Edit Album and Track Titles so Asset Detects the Changes?????


            In windows explorer menu click on Organize>Folder and search options and select the View tab. In the Advanced settings uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types".

            You should then see the file type extension for all your individual files when they are listed in Explorer. Another tip is that when you have a filename highlighted press F2 which will allow you to edit its name but won't highlight the file extension so you shouldn't get the warning message. You should also be able to use the tab forward key to navigate from one filename to the next while staying in edit name mode.

            This will allow you to edit filenames however I understand that Asset uses tag metadata to organise its library rather than the file or folder name/structure so you will probably find that you will need a tag editor like mp3tag which I recommended earlier if you need to change song and album titles etc. To be explicit, even if you have a folder for each artist with a subfolder for each album which in turn contains the files for each track, Asset will not pick this up as it relies solely on the tag data embedded within each individual file to determine the artist/album and track details.

            Good luck!
            Last edited by sjbabbey; September 06, 2014, 10:37 PM.


            • garym
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2007
              • 5936

              Re: How to Edit Album and Track Titles so Asset Detects the Changes?????

              great advice. I set my options so long ago I forget these are not default (I always untick the "hide extensions..." and also tick the "show hidden" in the same settings.


              • Tom Swaman
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Oct 2011
                • 258

                Re: How to Edit Album and Track Titles so Asset Detects the Changes?????

                Spoon and Garym,

                Thanks to your help I have now successfully edited 9 classical albums either directly within the music storage folder or outside the music storage. Both methods worked equallt well and took about the same amount of time.

                Yes, I did get the Warning that the file may not be usable if its name is changed. I accepted this and realized zero problems.

                Upon rescanning, Asset did detect all changes.

                Many, many thanks,


