I'm running Asset UPnP on my QNAP TS421 through my Naim NDS streamer. Over the past few days the streamer has stopped playing FLAC/WAV (CD rips) tracks in midstream. The streamer plays the first track or two but then will stop part way through the next track. I logged into the QNAP on my ipad and noticed that the Dashboard would show a stream of between 160 to 190kBs during playback which would fall to single figures between tracks and indeed this also happened immediately before a track stopped part way. I also noticed that the QNAP was scanning the media library in the background although I don't know whether this is significant. I have disabled both the Beta Media Server and Twonky on QNAP. Should I also deactivate the media library or is this used by Asset?
I tried rebooting my whole system i.e. modem/BT HH3/QNAP and NDS. This seemed to work for a while but the problem started up again after a couple of hours.
Any advice/suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.
I tried rebooting my whole system i.e. modem/BT HH3/QNAP and NDS. This seemed to work for a while but the problem started up again after a couple of hours.
Any advice/suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.