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  • Soletti

    • Dec 2013
    • 3

    Involved people

    Maybe this a strange request. I am using Asset Upnp on QNAP with a Moon Mind as renderer and Bubbleupnp as well as Moon Minf HD. The result is quite fine except one thing. A NAS plus renderer is also a solution not to take the CD in your hands. For most of the classical Music one can read the inormation on the Album Cover on the tablet such as orchestra, Composer, conductor, etc. Informations on Jazz Albums on featuring are usually on the back cover. So I am desperatally looking for a way not beeing forced to take the CD i.e. having a field displayed on the tablet showing the acompanying Artist on the tablet. Is the featuring Artists an opportunity? Or is ther any othr possibility? Searching with google was not succesful - or am I the only one with this request?