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Cover Art Problem

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  • Philfer

    • May 2014
    • 14

    Cover Art Problem

    Have been using Asset/Qnap for a few weeks and now have only one problem. I have ripped about 400 discs with dbpoweramp ripper and for some reason the artwork does not appear in naim nstream for 2 of these cd's. If you look in the folder on the qnap the jpeg image file is there exactly the same as for all the other cd's. I cannot find anything different at all on these 2 cd's. A mystery to me. I also have the same problem with some wav downloads, again the folder is there but does not appear on nstream. I have tried converting these to flac but this does not solve the problem. I have other flac downloads and on these the artwork is fine. Has anyone got any ideas to solve this.


  • timster67
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2014
    • 210

    Re: Cover Art Problem

    I have similar issues when adding new albums to the Asset library, and it appears random sometimes as to which ones aren't there. Restarting Asset cures it.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Cover Art Problem

      You would have to try a different control point, such as Asset Control (on your Windows PC) to make sure it is not the nstream control point which is having issues.


      • Philfer

        • May 2014
        • 14

        Re: Cover Art Problem

        Originally posted by Spoon
        You would have to try a different control point, such as Asset Control (on your Windows PC) to make sure it is not the nstream control point which is having issues.
        Thanks for the replies. I have now solved the problem. Tried a re-rip but still no artwork. Then tried another rip but instead of using the sleeve artwork found by dbpoweramp ripper I scanned the cd artwork onto my pc then selected this artwork loaded into the ripper, surprise suprise .this has worked,I now have the artwork on nstream. Why I do not know but it has solved my problem. Both artworks the same image.



