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Asset and tagging

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  • flourbag81

    • Jan 2011
    • 17

    Asset and tagging


    I have recently installed Asset on my QNAP nas and am very happy with it except for a couple of issues.

    I am trying to work out where it is getting the "Album Artist" and "Artist" tags from.
    When ripping in dBpoweramp I always use "Beetles, The" for "Album Artist" and "The Beetles" for "Artist".
    As I always use "Album Artist" as my main search this means that I avoid having to search through lots of bands beginning with "The" but when they are the displayed on the control point it is shown as "The Beetles".
    This has always worked correctly in *wonky but despite altering the configuration and tree browsing I can't get it to do this in Asset.

    I have also just ripped an album in dBpoweramp where both "Artist Album" and "Artist" were set as "Asia featuring John Payne". As mentioned previously, *wonky shows this correctly but Asset shows these as just "Asia".
    I've checked my tagging and can't see "Asia" on its own anywhere, so where is it getting this from instead of "Asia featuring John Payne"?

    It would appear that Asset is not reading the tags that are being used by dBpoweramp. Why would this be?

    Many thanks for any help on this.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset and tagging

    Perhaps there is an artistsort and album artist sort tag? which overrides the name?


    • flourbag81

      • Jan 2011
      • 17

      Re: Asset and tagging

      Why are you asking me?
      I thought you wrote the programs and would understand how they relate to each other.
      Never mind, I'll stick to Twonky.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Asset and tagging

        Only you can know if there are artistsort tags in your files, as I do not have access to them to check.

