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directories/folders names

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  • econjp

    • May 2014
    • 19

    directories/folders names

    Hi There,

    Just acquired Asset for QNAP (ARM), installed it without any problem, although it took a while to (re)scan the directories... Got a pretty big collection from various sources and to put the metadata in order will take a while and therefore I wanted to rely on folders search for my Naim NDX... However the name are displayed in a rather strange way - I named my directories in the following way: first "Beethoven", and inside it&*321; "Beethoven - Symphony 5 - Karajan, BPO" (just to give an example), but all I can see when I go to "Beethoven" is ca. 300 directories starting named "Beethoven" and therefore there is no way of finding anything "manually". Is there a way of changing how Asset displays folder names, PLEASE?

    A secondary question is: if I scan folders for changes, will Asset notice changes in ID-Tags if nothing else has changed? a full (re)scan would take like 10-15 hourse...


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: directories/folders names

    I believe it is an nstream issue, it has been reported before I think it was fixed by changing the nstream compatibility mode. It is worth also reporting to naim as they should not be truncating like this.

    2nd Q: yes, tag change are picked up on both type of scans.


    • econjp

      • May 2014
      • 19

      Re: directories/folders names

      Thanks, but I don't think so... QNAP comes with twonky and its own Music Station DLNA and both of them show full names of all the folders, which is why I asked my question here... Both alternatives were rather deficient, and Asset seemed a much better solution, but now I seem to be stuck... Wouldn't like to tempter with the compatibility mode and n-Stream gives you a lot of warning before allowing you to change the settings...
      BTW: is it possible that future versions of Asset will include .ape and .cue files compatibility?
      Last edited by econjp; May 13, 2014, 06:56 PM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: directories/folders names

        If you use a different control point, such as Kinsky, or Asset Control, it will show correct, the data is given out the same, the fault is in nstream that I am 100% certain.

        This bug should be reported to naim so they can correct.

        Ape decoding is not possible due to no libraries for ARM (which is the qnap cpu).


        • econjp

          • May 2014
          • 19

          Re: directories/folders names

          Will report, no problem... But, forgive me, what is a control point in general, and Asset Control is particular? How do I know what I am using and how to change it?

          And what about .cue file? I happen to have quite a few disc images with cue files that work even on such a simple iPhone app as Golden Ear... I can always split them but it seems like unnecessary additional work... ;-)


          • econjp

            • May 2014
            • 19

            Re: directories/folders names

            Ok, Spoon, found and installed Asset Control, although the only version to download is labelled as beta and relates to the post from 2011... What happened next? Anyway, it is showing the directories in the right format, which is a plus, but the most obvious problem is that Asset Control is on my desktop in my office and the NDX (and the amp, the speakers etc, etc...) are in the living room - different floor and like four rooms across... And before you ask, yes, I do have a laptop but it is still running XP...


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: directories/folders names

              A control point is what is used to control the player, if you have an ipad search for kinsky in the app store.

              Using these other applications is just to show that the issue lies with nstream.


              • econjp

                • May 2014
                • 19

                Re: directories/folders names

                Thanks, tried kinsky last night and it does look impressive... However, when I tried to play something, the playing usually stopped after 2-3 minutes... There seems to be always something - either the NDX, or the NAS or the UPnP software and it is difficult to know what...


                • econjp

                  • May 2014
                  • 19

                  Re: directories/folders names

                  Hallo Mr Spoon,
                  I am chasing Naim, but nothing so far, although I wouldn't think that my setup is so unique, would you? Anyway, there is one more interesting feature of "folders and filenames browsing" in Asset UPnP (advanced search), namely when one eventually gets to files (e.g. flac) they are shown not as their actual names but as titles of tracks or albums from the ID Tags, which I would say is strange to say the least... This not what browsing according to "filenames" should be about? To make things worse, with some cd images (still puzzled by these .cue files... :smile2 what is in them as the title is just the title of track (e.g. one movement of a symphony). As I am - at least for the time being - strongly dependent on this kind of browsing, all of this seems slightly subotimal...
                  One more question: is there a way of stopping Asset UPnP from continuously rescanning the directories? I.e. for it to do it only when I want it to do it? Could be wrong but my impression is that during rescanning the playing is affected and also the app find it difficult to connect to the server...


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: directories/folders names

                    When browsing by filename, the title is set the actual filename, however we also fill all the other metadata items (such as artist, genre) with the ones from the database, again it is the control point which decides how to present, simple ones like Kinsky will just always show the title.

                    Lots of people have this issue with NStream, I have responded to about 10 support requests in this area and only for nstream, no other control point....

                    There is an option in configuration to disable automatic scanning.

                    Cue sheets are not supported by asset.


                    • econjp

                      • May 2014
                      • 19

                      Re: directories/folders names

                      Thanks, Mr Spoon... I really am trying to pass these conclusions to Naim - apprently (this is what my dealer told me) there will be a new app, probably to take care of the new multiroom sytem (Muso or something like this). As far as Asset is concerned we seem to have two suggestions re. its future improvements, namely the ability to stop rescanning and the .cue files, at least with disc images in flac (apparently possible when ripping in dBpoweramp but I dealing with the files that I already have takes most of my time), please...
                      All the best

