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Asset Upnp for Synology?

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  • melgoth

    • Oct 2010
    • 16

    Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

    Originally posted by MartinGr
    I've just bought a 215j - and the instruction to install ASSET (the RaspberryPi version 4.6) worked perfectly. Everything seems to work.

    Yes you have a supported NAS (CPU). In the meantime I figured out that my NAS is based on another CPU

    The boxes use different processors (Intel Atom D525 vs ARMv71), so you'd have to find a binary built for your CPU.
    so I have the bad card :-(



    • Wilts_RM

      • Feb 2016
      • 1

      Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

      Originally posted by OldRocker
      Good news for owners of a Synology NAS DS214SE or eq. (same ARM7 core)
      You can run Asset for Raspberry Pi on it.

      Installation instructions for ASSET on Synology DS214SE

      Enable the SSH-service (using port 10022) on the Synology NAS via the diskstation manager under control panel>Terminal and SNMP options

      On a windows pc:
      Launch "Putty.exe" and open a PuTTy session:
      Host Name: diskstation (or IP address of synology NAS)
      Port: 10022
      Connection type: SSH

      login as: root
      root@diskstation's password: ********** (enter here Synology's admin password)

      cd /usr/bin
      mkdir asset
      chmod 777 asset
      cd asset


      tar -zxvf *.gz
      rm *.gz

      cd /usr/bin/asset/bin

      Close PuTTy

      Configure Asset with a web browser and the URL http://diskstation:45537

      To autostart Asset, make an 'asset.conf' script file with 'Notepad'
      Content of the 'asset.conf' file:
      start on started synonetd
      stop on runlevel [06]
      exec /usr/bin/asset/bin/AssetUPnP

      Copy the asset.conf script file from your pc to the /etc/init folder on your NAS.
      To do that? download 'WinSCP', install WinSCP and launch WinSCP
      Login with:
      File protocol: SFTP
      Address Host: diskstation (or IP address of synology NAS)
      Port: 10022
      user name: root
      password: ********** (enter here Synology's admin password)

      Browse on the left window to the 'asset.conf' file
      Browse on the right window to the path: /etc/init
      Copy the 'asset.conf' file to the /etc/init folder
      Close WinSCP

      Reboot the Synology NAS


      Thanks so much for posting this; that's fantastic! I've followed the steps, and I've been able to get Asset UPnP working on my Synology NAS, so I'm really pleased.

      The only trouble I'm having with it is getting it start up automatically. I couldn't S/FTP in to the root account, and a search online suggested that this is a common problem with DSM.

      I therefore used Vi to create the file in the relevant directory, but when I restarted the NAS, Asset wasn't running.

      Is there anything else I can try? If I could get it to start up with the NAS, that would be perfect.

      Many thanks in anticipation.

      Best wishes,



      • Spleen

        • Mar 2016
        • 22

        Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

        I'm guessing that Asset is still not available for Synology? Having just bought both I'm rather hoping that it is..


        • PeterP
          Super Moderator
          • Jul 2011
          • 1498

          Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

          Asset is not officially supported for Synology devices. We do not provide a proper installer and currently do not plan on making one.

          However, we put a lot of effort into making the generic Linux version of Asset as compatible as possible; as you can see from this thread, you can get it running as a generic Linux program on Linux powered NAS units.


          • Spleen

            • Mar 2016
            • 22

            Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

            Ok, thanks. That's well beyond my ability so I guess I'll have to chalk it up and move on.


            • melgoth

              • Oct 2010
              • 16

              Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?


              I'm still looking for a version for my NAS DS2411+ with Intel Atom D525. I would try to install it manually, based on the guide above, but I need the right build! I couldn't do it by my own. Is there a chance to get it?


              • PeterP
                Super Moderator
                • Jul 2011
                • 1498

                Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

                On Intel Atom, Linux x86 32-bit build would be the first thing to try.

                When in doubt, try uploading each of them to the NAS, unpacking and starting up the main program manually over SSH to see if it runs or not.


                • melgoth

                  • Oct 2010
                  • 16

                  Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

                  ok thanks will try it


                  • hecaitomex

                    • May 2016
                    • 7

                    Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

                    have u tried it melgoth?
                    im sad that asset upnp is not available for synology now, although community waiting for it is growing, nevertheless i ordered a ds216+ as my new nas wich has a intel celeron 64bit cpu, and i would like to ask what you guys think, wheter the debian intel 64bit manual installer might be working on this ship?
                    appreciate any recommendations of you pros, as my knowledge is limited to follow instructions above, but not much more.


                    • melgoth

                      • Oct 2010
                      • 16

                      Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

                      Hi hecaitomex!

                      I haven't done it until now. I'm not so familiar with Linux and have to prepare myself before doing this but got no time doing it. When finished I will post it here, but you have to be patience. - sorry for that.

                      best regards


                      • hecaitomex

                        • May 2016
                        • 7

                        Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

                        thanks oldrocker, your posts let me hope that it might work.
                        what i want to know is if u think wether it might work or not to install the debian intel 64 bit package on the ds216+, im asking because DSM isnt a debian distro.
                        btw: for those having problems with getting root acces to the DS, before loggin in as root you have to login as admin (via SSH) and type: "sudo -i", thereafter you will be logged in as root, otherwise access will be denied.
                        kind regards


                        • hecaitomex

                          • May 2016
                          • 7

                          Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

                          good news for owners of Intel-Based Synologys!
                          just got my DS216+ and first thing i did was to install the "asset Upnp debian intel 64bit installer" following oldrockers instructions, and it works perfectly!
                          only thing to add is that i do not get acces to my nas via SSH as root at first, its always neccessary to login as admin first, then type "sudo -i" and therafter you will have root acces, what is needed to copy the asset.conf into the init folder.
                          i was not able to make this with winscp (because not knowing how to swicht from admin to root inside the running program), i just copied the asset.conf file via SMB (windows) into the music folder (used by ausiostation), startet putty, logged on as admin, switched to root, and copied the filde via "cp /volume1/music/asset.conf /etc/init" to the init folder, thats it.
                          thanks for your help guys!


                          • Laurent69

                            • Dec 2015
                            • 15

                            Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

                            Hello folks, I tried this on a DS415+ synology and it worked fine !
                            Thanks !!


                            • melgoth

                              • Oct 2010
                              • 16

                              Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

                              thx to hecaitomex & Laurent69 for their posts - fine to hear that asset Upnp works on DS216+ and DS415+
                              and in special thx to hecaitomex for his explaining text


                              • martyn62

                                • Jun 2016
                                • 5

                                Re: Asset Upnp for Synology?

                                I get all the way until the end and then when I type ./AssetUPnP I get the message...

                                -ash: ./AssetUPnP: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

                                Using a RS812+. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

