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New to Asset UPnP

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  • jhcusty

    • Apr 2014
    • 2

    New to Asset UPnP

    I downloaded the free trial yesterday. I see some particular listing in the library as I access it from Kinsky.

    I see a few cases where several artists are combined into a single Greatest Hits album (some GH albums are correct)
    I see what is actually a single album (CD) split into many albums, one for each featured artist

    I want access by album and see what is on the physical CD. I would like to access by artist and see all CDs with songs by that artist.

    I also see two repeating album covers. One generic jewel case and another that seems to be the cover for L7 Bricks Are Heavy. Both of these appear many times.

    I use iTunes as my source.

    The description I read on your website indicated that these problems would not occur. Have I done something wrong? Is there a way to correct these?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: New to Asset UPnP

    You would set the Album Artist tag (with a singular artist) for these albums to group them together.


    • jhcusty

      • Apr 2014
      • 2

      Re: New to Asset UPnP

      I am sorry, but I do not understand the reply. Is there a manual where I can learn how to set the Album Artist tag?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: New to Asset UPnP

        You would not use Asset to write this tag, if you have dBpoweramp, select the files for the whole album in Windows Explorer >> Right click >> Edit ID Tag

        then add the new Album Artist tag.

