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Asset UPnP for LaCie and Moon 180

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  • Anerol

    • Apr 2014
    • 2

    Asset UPnP for LaCie and Moon 180

    Dear all,

    I recently bought a Moon 180 to play my music directly from my network hard disk, a LaCie d2 Network 2. LaCie uses Twonky as a software. I eventually managed to copy my AIFF / iTunes Mac Library to the LaCie just to learn upon completion that the artwork and track details don't travel well to my Moon 180 Mind app on my iPad :thumbdown. The sound however is great :smile2:. I want to continue use this unit therefore.

    I eventually downloaded Asset UPnP and this works perfectly well with my Moon 180 Mind and the LaCie. The only thing that annoys me is that I now have to let my PC running when listening to music which I wanted to avoid in the first place. I have had already quite some exchange with LaCie and had to learn that there is no way as far as they say to install Asset UPnP directly on the LaCie. That is very annoying indeed for me.

    Here my question: is there a way to let Asset UPnP sit somewhere on my network (i.e. is there something like an Ethernet stick on which I could load it) which would than allow me to use it without the PC on? The other question would be is there a way to install Asset UPnP on that LaCie even if it is not foreseen in the first place?

    As you might have figured by now I am not an IT freak but someone who just wanted to have his music library available in high quality on his network without a PC running in the back. Hence my questions might sound stupid or maybe wrongly put. In advance sorry for that.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Asset UPnP for LaCie and Moon 180

    You can get a Raspberry Pi ($50 computer) and install Asset UPnP onto this, it runs all the time and can access your nas.


    • Anerol

      • Apr 2014
      • 2

      Re: Asset UPnP for LaCie and Moon 180

      Hello Spoon,

      I think I found my solution. I copied all my iTunes into the LaCie. Used the batch converter to convert everything from AIFF to FLAC. Used Mp3tag to delete all iTunes related tags. Now my LaCie allows me again to index my library. As a final step I know run Perfect Tunes to complete or improve the artwork.

      Thanks a lot for these products, really helpful.


