Asset UPnP is now available on the Raspberry pi, this cheap $25 computer is ideal to run a lightweight UPnP server that is totally silent, pair with a USB flash disk
We have tested against Raspbian, on the Model B pi.
Installation details
Setting Asset to start automatically
Mounting a USB Flash disk
Mounting a CIFS (SMB / Windows) Network Share
Configuration data location
The configuration files for Asset are stored: ~/.dBpoweramp
We have tested against Raspbian, on the Model B pi.
Installation details
Log-in to the pi (login: pi password: raspberry) Create a folder for Asset: cd /usr/bin sudo mkdir asset sudo chmod 777 asset cd asset Transfer the downloaded Asset from the registration link in your receipt email to the pi to the /usr/bin/asset folder. extract it: tar -zxvf *.gz rm *.gz Run Asset: cd /usr/bin/asset/Asset-Rx.x-Linux-ARM32-registered/bin (note replace x.x with version number) ./AssetUPnP Once running it will show Presentation URL type this into a web browser on any computer on the same network, example: Then click 'configure' to specify the options
crontab -e press the down arrow until the cursor is right at the bottom (on a blank line, press enter if not on a blank line) type: @reboot /usr/bin/asset/Asset-Rx.x-Linux-ARM32-registered/bin/AssetUPnP (note replace x.x with version number) Press keys CTRL + X choose Y to save, press enter restart system: sudo reboot The web log-in will be the same as when run manually, if at a later date you cannot find this address (or port), log into the pi and type: ifconfig this will show on the inet addr for eth0, take the shown ip address and: http://x.x.x.x:45537 Where x.x.x.x is the address shown To find the port asset is using: sudo netstat -pln look for the lines with AssetUPnP on the end, it should be shown as (for configuration) (as well as which is used by UPnP devices and for broadcast)
Look for the drive: sudo fdisk -l It will most likely be called sda1 Make a folder for this drive: sudo mkdir /media/usbflash and mount: sudo mount -t vfat -o rw /dev/sda1 /media/usbflash/ Check files can be read: ls -l /media/usbflash/ Then on Asset configuration page set the path as /media/usbflash/ To make so this flash disc is automatically added on reboot: sudo nano /etc/fstab and add the line: /dev/sda1 /media/usbflash vfat defaults 0 0 (to save CTRL + X, Y to save)
Configuration data location
The configuration files for Asset are stored: ~/.dBpoweramp