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At the risk of appearing a bit "Dopey"... Can I use Asset UPnP w/ my Cambridge NP30 ?

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  • Ol'Steve

    • Feb 2014
    • 18

    At the risk of appearing a bit "Dopey"... Can I use Asset UPnP w/ my Cambridge NP30 ?

    Hi, it does help that Cambridge Audio talks about the NP30A's UPnP capabilities, but does'nt
    mention any specific sources other than files you might want to play from a USB drive.

    The NP30A uses an Internet tuner called UuVol radio . It's not bad (& I'm frankly surprised that
    192Kbps can sound that good), but I was hoping to find higher bitrate feeds than the 1 320Kbps
    that I've found (Linn Radio). Most of the higher bitrate feeds (a few 192 & 256kbps) are coming from
    the Netherlands & Finland.

    I'll go back & hide in the corner if someone can explain this UPnP thing to me a bit more clearly or
    offer some suggestions as to how (or if ) I can find higher quality feeds on the Internet w/ this
    Cambridge unit. Thanks
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: At the risk of appearing a bit "Dopey"... Can I use Asset UPnP w/ my Cambridge NP

    Asset is more about serving local files (your music you have ripped) than internet radio (it does list lots and lots of stations, however the quality of these stations are mixed).


    • Ol'Steve

      • Feb 2014
      • 18

      Re: At the risk of appearing a bit "Dopey"... Can I use Asset UPnP w/ my Cambridge NP

      Thanks, I was hoping Asset would bring some new options to the Internet Radio side of things.

      I'm kind of surprised there does'nt appear to be any Streaming Services targeted toward those looking
      for lossless bitrate music. Although, I guess I should'nt be too surprised given the amount of people who
      willingly listen to MP3 files on their iPods.

      I don't believe in conspiracy theories, but everyone had better buy as much uncompressed new music that
      they can before it goes the way of the dinosaur (& after I'm gone there are very few of us to carry on the
      "Curmudgeon Tradition")

